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Scotty Hutto

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Posts posted by Scotty Hutto

  1. 21 minutes ago, Jon Erickson said:

    Did you hit your SES sending limit and it reset? What’s your reputation? Did you get throttled? May be worth it to send them a ticket and see if they noticed anything on their end. 

    Nowhere close to limit. I maybe send 4-5,000 emails / day.  Reputation is healthy. I’m in there daily and never got any type notice of throttling. 

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  2. On 10/8/2023 at 3:12 PM, Jon Erickson said:

    Are there any CIC users who can confirm it is working/not working on 4.7.13?

    Ok, odd behavior…. I have not done or changed anything since my messages here Sunday 10/8.

    Out of nowhere, today emails start going through AWS-SES w/ Bounce Mgt again. (Emails sent through the API show a different sender name than SMTP, although it’s the same email address). Getting log entries for bounces and complaints, but nothing in the “outgoing” log.  

    I wonder if Invision changed something under the CIC hood?

    Any ideas?

  3. 1 hour ago, Jon Erickson said:

    Hmm I wonder if it has to due with using CIC. I’m sure they have CIC specific settings to use whoever they use to send emails. 

    Nothing in logs? Are you able to enable to cURL/HTTP logs? I know you can on premise. This would allow us to see the app calling the API. 

    I can't see the cURL/HTTP logs (or I don't know how...)  All I can see are the hooks:

    1947 AWS Simple Email Service None Code Hook \IPS\Email /applications/awsses/hooks/Email.php
  4. Ok, original access key was last used 18 days ago (day Invision CIC update was applied to my site)

    New Access Key 2 created today, loaded into AWS, send test email but it says "never used".

    - I removed all other third party apps and customizations from my site. (It's just running the basic Invsion CIC installed apps)

    - Reinstalled AWS SES w/bounce Management and tried new "Key 2".  No joy.

    - Double-checked installation instructions and AWS SES setup, and everything looks correct to me. 😐

    I'm stumped.

  5. Just now, Jon Erickson said:

    I just fired up my development environment on 4.7.13 using PHP 8.1.20 and have no issues sending email. I checked the release logs for 4.7.13 and it doesnt appear theyve changed anything to the way they send email. Can you verify you have no errors? What PHP version are you running? Try disabling all other apps/plugins and try again.

    Will do and report back.  

  6. On 10/3/2023 at 5:50 PM, Scotty Hutto said:

    Attempted removing and re-installing the app.  Still no joy.  Apparently whatever hook it uses to override the default email method no longer works under the latest release. (Invision Community v4.7.13)

    Just curious… has anyone gotten it to work correctly with v4.713?

    Could it be user error on my part?  Do I need to try and uninstall / reinstall again??

    (In the interim I’m using SES via SMTP, but I’m missing the features of this app!)

  7. On 3/25/2023 at 12:18 PM, Jon Erickson said:

    Gotcha. Are you saying that if I said it was required, they would enable it for you? It technically is not required for the app to function - it is used to just decode the email headers and help display that information in your logs.

    Not sure, but it's not critical.  I just thought seeing the headers would help me diagnose email issues...

  8. 5 hours ago, Jon Erickson said:

    If you are on a typical shared hosting environment, you can usually just enable the extension in your web hosting control panel such as cPanel or Plesk. 

    If you are on a VPS or dedicated server, you may have access to WHM.

    If not, you’ll need to get ahold of a SysAdmin who can enable it for you. 

    Thanks!  My Site is hosted by Invision, so I’ll reach out to an admin. 

  9. After the upgrade last week, I’m getting a “Newsletter Failed Distribution” email each morning when the task runs with the following error message:

    Hi Scotty Hutto, 
    This message is to notify you that Monacoers' Daily Newsletter has failed distribution with the following error: 

    Newsletter has no subscribers”

    Yet when I Publish manually, the Newsletter goes out as intended   



  10. On 1/20/2023 at 8:03 AM, Scotty Hutto said:

    Scratch that.  It’s still not working.  

    Removed and reinstalled yesterday.  All seems to be working, and my newsletters went out on schedule this morning.  When I reinstalled it changed the app badge from “Custom” back to “Marketplace”. Makes me wonder if somehow it got corrupted in the previous installation, and that’s what caused the issues…

  11. 7 hours ago, Scotty Hutto said:

    No emails being sent, but turns out the server had locked up because of large email error logs (>8GB) created when Newsletters used Invision Community in the Cloud to send yesterday’s Newsletter. That happened when I upgraded to 4.7.6 and it shut off my AWS SES email delivery. 

    Invision Tech Support killed the Newsletters Task and deleted the email error log. Then I had to reset AWS SES, and Newsletters is working.

    I still don’t understand why it creates those huge error logs when using Invision C in the C to deliver emails. 

    Something else I had a question about…. Newsletters shows up as a “Custom” app rather than a “Marketplace” app. Is that normal?


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    Scratch that.  It’s still not working.  

  12. 6 hours ago, HeadStand said:

    In what way is it not working? 

    No emails being sent, but turns out the server had locked up because of large email error logs (>8GB) created when Newsletters used Invision Community in the Cloud to send yesterday’s Newsletter. That happened when I upgraded to 4.7.6 and it shut off my AWS SES email delivery. 

    Invision Tech Support killed the Newsletters Task and deleted the email error log. Then I had to reset AWS SES, and Newsletters is working.

    I still don’t understand why it creates those huge error logs when using Invision C in the C to deliver emails. 

    Something else I had a question about…. Newsletters shows up as a “Custom” app rather than a “Marketplace” app. Is that normal?


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  13. Removed and re-installed.  Got the same error message at @Dll above.  Cleared the site cache and ran the "purge" tasks, and then it installed fine. 

    All is working now!  Thanks @AlexWebsites for pointing me to this app!

    Is there a way to prevent the site from switching back to Invision Community in the Cloud servers when this happens?  Maybe set SMTP (using AWS SES SMTP settings) as the fall-back?  My site generates thousands of errors when it goes back to the Community in the Cloud servers, creating a huge (>5GB) email error file. I have to have Invision Tech Support delete the file before I can do anything else, which is a pain for them and me.

    Thanks guys!

  14. Jon,

    1) Looked this morning and 1 of the "bad" subscriptions had cleared... maybe the other will clear in a day or two...

    2) My site got upgraded to 4.7.6 by my other admin (inadvertently?  he doesn't usally do that) and the app stopped working.  Should I try to remove and reinstall, or is there an known issue with 4.7.6?

  15. On 1/16/2023 at 9:49 PM, Jon Erickson said:

    Have you removed the subscription and recreated a new one with the correct URL?

    I’ve started over, created new topics and subscriptions with the correct info, and it’s confirmed and working.

    The old, incorrect ones are still sitting there in “Pending Confirmation”.  AWS will not allow me to delete them due to the pending confirmation. I thought the system would automatically delete after 3 days, but no.  

  16. On 12/23/2022 at 11:25 AM, Scotty Hutto said:

    No.  Not familiar with it. Should I be?😁

    Edit: looked it up… I’m not (yet) using a 3rd party mail app, but well on my way to setting up AWS SES. 

    Closure.  Switched to AWS SES with the AWS Simple Email Service with Bounce Management app and all is working splendidly. 

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