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Prince of Hell

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Posts posted by Prince of Hell

  1. 7 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    What do you suggest? Email address is still required for everything out there when you create an account. It IS required to create an account on IPS so it has a lot a point to me.

    its should be a option but everyone i know dont want to be force to put email. just give us the code

  2. On 7/24/2022 at 3:14 PM, Jim M said:

    I am a little confused, the link you provided there shows that Google is indeed indexing your community. Your community is relatively new from the looks of it so it will take time. Additionally, whether or not you are showing for the keywords you would like to in Google would be a matter of targeting your content for those keywords rather than an issue necessarily with the software.

    While the software is optimized technically for SEO, Google's algorithm will still require good content and to target the keywords you want to rank for.

    If you are seeing errors in your Google Webmaster account, that is something which we can assist you with. However, if you are looking for a general SEO strategy for your content, I would advise working with an SEO agency or we can move this to a different forum.

    google slowly removing my forum and stop show the search streetwits had 2 pages and now we have less then 1 page

  3. Routine maintenance tasks are performed as users access the site but it looks like the traffic to your community is not sufficient to run these tasks on time. This will cause significant damage to your community if not resolved. It is recommended that you set up a cron or a web service so that these tasks can be run even when there isn't any traffic coming to your community.

    how can i fix it?

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