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Posts posted by darian4333

  1. Hello! I moved to another web server, i'm waiting now for my nameservers to update (all of them). I was following the official steps but i met a little problem, i'm stuck at step 3 point 2 because i can't find "Something isn't working correctly", i used this tool in the past but in 4.6.8 i can't find it, what should i do?


  2. Hello! My problem started 2-3 weeks ago, from version 4.6.6, my license key keeps reseting. Every 3-4 days i get the red alert, i need to go to the admin cp license section (my license is there as always but the platform says i need to change it), sometimes i just press the reset data and everything works and sometimes i need to re-enter the license key, after that everythings goes well for another 2-3 days. 
    https://invisioncommunity.com/clientarea/check-license/?url=https://oldgods.ro/forum - here i'm always licensed but in client area it's says that i don't have any licensed URL's.
    Btw: im using cloudflare for protection but even without cloudflare the problem persists. 
    Version: 4.6.7

  3. 16 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    We don't seem to have any URL on file for you unfortunately. Please update your access details within your client area, including the Admin CP location. Once this is done, let us know and we can take a look to see whats going on there for you

    Just a note, looking at your screenshot it does not look to say [$title] there by the look of it. If you are looking to add something other than what the title of that field is, you should not add it in square brackets. This may be what your issue is

    Sorry, it happens sometimes that my license just start missing.
    Anyway, so i want that the field name (In-game nick:) to appear on topic post, not only on profile.
    So, i have this one: x8bXcFO.png
    with the first screenshot settings, those are the settings made in older version's that worked.
    I want it like: In-game nick: Darian433
    Here's a ss from profile we're is working just fine.

    I understood something else, sorry. Acces details have been written.
    + if you can check why license keeps resetting it will be great. 

  4. Hello! I created 2 custom profile field's but the title's aren't showing in topic's content, here are 2 screenshot so you can understand better.

    Settings: gXkQKTM.png
    Profile field's: x8bXcFO.png

    As you can see im using the right settings (display format for topics) and the code: <strong>{$title}:</strong> {$content} but the title of the field still doesn't show, only the content.
    I want the title and the content, any ideas? Maybe i did something wrong. -_-

  5. Hi! I need a plugin for my webiste like "Who was online", i want to see how many users i had in 24h and who. I searched a little bit on the internet but i only found some weird versions of the plugin but nothing official on the market.

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