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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by madmaxpower

  1. yes I find that but is not posible (for example) to drag and drop an extra field after the title field?
  2. Another question, not sure how extra fields work. After I create an extra field it should appears in the submit link form? or I have to do something else to show it? I figured it out, is possible to re arrange an extra field? for example I want to show as the third field to fill instead the last one ty
  3. Hello, I just buy the plugin, in future updates, can you consider add an option to extract the image from the open graph tags instead a full capture of the website? is there anyway to disable the thumbnail for the categories? Also Im having a problem when trying to edit a link, after click on edit I get this screen but I cant edit anything, when I click on the edit button nothing happens ty!
  4. Hello, Im new and not really sure on how I can do it but, how can I translate the text in the buttons and some other strings like ones circled in red? I tried the quick translation tool on invision but I cant translate those thx!
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