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Everything posted by Gill

  1. Gill

    Member Map

    Hi @Martin A. and Guys :) Thanks for awesome app :) I would like to remove the map name and total number of member from map overlay. What will be file location to edit the code. I would be highly thankful for help :) Thanks :)
  2. Hi Guys IPB is awesome and far better than any other forum software available in market. IPB team working very hard to implement new feature every month i appreciate their hard work But now in smartphone world everyone is using mobile devices that have apps to access their favorite content. people don't like first open browser, then type url and then type username, password. Mobile friendly websites are no longer a solution. Forums are facing competition from Telegram groups, discord server, Facebook Groups, Whatsapp Group @Charles PLEASE HELP US !!!!! I know it is very difficult to maintain native app. so Now companies use hybrid approach to cut cost for mobile app. It would be great if IPB team develop the in house Progressive Web app for IPB. IPB theme already mobile friendly so every little to do Just need to implement 1. Service- worker for Offline uses 2. Push Notification for Notifications 3. Login and signup screen (that remember the user name and password) Here some Key Benefits Of PWA over Native App IPB4 team already have brilliant javascript developers. I think it would not too difficult for them to do this. I would like to Pay for this feature separately if it will be developed. It would be Milestone for IPB 4 as compared to other forums software. Others IPB members if you are agree please vote this feature as much you can and share your's feed back too and don't Forget to Participate in Above Poll Question Companies Using PWA!! PWA is not just another Buzz word, PWA again transferring the power back to Web Developers which was lost during native mobile app era. I think REST API based apps for IPB not right approach, From developers point of views, it will make mobile apps hard to maintain and compatible with every new version of IPB and updates of hundered of IPB plugins. However PWA just uses Mobile Responsive of Website. Forums Founders spent both Time and money to make his/her community sustainable. sometime new users like the forums but forget url and browser history deleted,at that time website looses one member ? this same things happened with me many times and may be other members share the same experience. For iOS users or Android users there is more chances, new users of clients Forum website click on App icons (Installed by PWA ) again than open browser inside the mobile, remember the website URL and hit the enter. No matter whether PWA support push notifications for particular mobile os or not :) PWA fully supported in Window 10 redstone 4. We can't ignore the billions machine running window 10. Window 10 PWA app would be huge opportunity to keep the website users engage with website. Just imagine clients Forums apps are installed on users PC. Even They don't open browser and enter forum URL, with single push notification you can make users again engage to your website ? More and more adopting the window 10 This is my humble request to IPB team please please develop in house mobile app for IPB others wise our communities websites will loose the competition in mobile app age. THANKS :)
  3. Gill

    Member Map

    hi @Martin A. Thanks a lot for this amazing app and made it free for everybody, i really appreciate this :) Thanks again
  4. Thanks for sharing the extensions :) but it would be more awesome if there is in Built more robust system from IPB TEAM rather than relies on third party add on :) Omg !!!!!! looks with quote to above response reply content again repeated for TOPIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Hi Guys it would be great if there IPB Tam implement comments system like stackoverflow.com for replies : ) Right Now if user want to respone back to reply. he/she have to quote the reply. That cuase the so much repetition of content (Reply content again repeated inside new reply ) and seems very unorganized when users go through topics e.g sometime i see quotes for reply at end of page rather underneath the reply I think i would be milestone for IPB if this is implemented because no other forums software had this Guys what do you think ? if you like please upvote this feature :) PLEASE!! Don't Forget to Participate in Above Poll Question Thanks
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