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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by VOK

  1. We have had reports of this error a few times recently. Can you advise?
  2. At STEP 7 of the upgrade we now have no forum as the upgrade cannot complete and displays this error: 1146Table 'm280674.nexus_package_fields' doesn't exist /var/www/html/107762/system/Db/Select.php::446 SELECT cf_id FROM `nexus_package_fields` WHERE cf_type=? OR cf_type=? please help!
  3. Apparently (although Invision themselves have no record of this) emails went out over a year ago informing users that their older package would be 'grandfathered'. Today, with zero notice, our site is down. As someone who speaks at membership events and has recommended Invision many many times I am severely disappointed today. Apart from the obvious disloyalty, my questions remain unanswered. 1. Although you say you have no logs, and having searched through 2 years of emails, where is the official statement of this upcoming change? - surely you have that? 2. I would have expected to receive a notification of the post-grandfathered period/cut-off for when I am forced to upgrade - where is this notification and what is the official date - again surely you have this as an official statement somewhere? 3. What happens if my account remains as it is? 4. If my package and the one above it is no longer available then why does it show in a list of upgrade options? Does anybody really find it acceptable that this can happen?
  4. hi I'm still trying to get to the bottom of this error - please can you assist?
  5. Hi Nathan, have you been receiving my contact?
  6. Hi Nathan and thanks for providing this plugin, we have found it very very useful. We are experiencing a small problem which Invision have identified as being caused with having this plugin installed though. Replying using 'Quote' now throws up an error for users https://www.dropbox.com/s/44af70e089tt72o/invalid url error.mov?dl=0 Any ideas please? Guy
  7. And that sir is perfect! Thank you! It was exactly to do with the download attachments! Funny enough in my original message to IPS support I mentioned about how along with the player not "working", if the user clicked on the .mp3 link it blocked it. They just kept saying to speak to you Excellent support from you!!
  8. Sorry about that - instead I have given guest access to a example mp3 page - https://thelounge.voiceoverkickstart.com/topic/319-home-studio-testinghelp/
  9. Ok great - I will make you a admin - will PM you in a second
  10. Good morning @Nathan Explosion In the last couple of days I updated the (NE) HTML5 Audio/Video Player to 1.2.2 (10202) and I have the latest Invision Community (v4.3.4) Now any mp3's uploaded will just display the file name - no player. If the user clicks it - it takes them to a permission page: This attachment is not available. It may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it to this location. Error code: 2C171/1 I first asked Invision themselves but they say I need to speak to you - please advise
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