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Jennifer Harnetty

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Posts posted by Jennifer Harnetty

  1. One of my moderators and several forum members are having issues with posting in which the user gets timed out before their post goes through. They have reported a couple different pop up messages which I will attach below. 

    Here is some information from the moderator on her internet connection:

    "I talked with tech support with my service provider yesterday, they are calling me back today to see if any of the fixes they suggested worked (they haven't). I'm not having this problem with other sites, modem was reset, error message comes from the forum. Speed check for upload and download falls within range I'm told. Average download is 11.3 and upload is 1.6  I haven't changed internet providers or changed the plan I've been using for years. Is it possible that the latest version of the forum requires a stronger internet connection?"

    Any ideas? We are on version 4.6.8.

    Thank you,


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    Screen Shot 2021-11-09 at 12.13.57 PM.png

  2. I need to update a link in the navigation on my cloud community site and I can't for the life of me remember how to access the navigation. Can someone point me in the right direction? See the screenshot for the link I am trying to edit.



    Screen Shot 2021-10-11 at 9.39.03 AM.png

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