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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by RisingHigh

  1. Sorry about that @Jim M - I hadn't realised there was 2 support sections - much appreciated.
  2. Hey Team! I have a very strange issue that has just started to occur in the last 2 weeks. My set up is using the SSO plugin from @stoo2000 to create accounts from my wordpress site and whilst everything has been working golden for ages, in the past 2 weeks random new registrations are overwriting existing member accounts. EG: I created a new member today ( 02/09/2021 ) and the registration date on the IP Board account is 07/01/2020. The wordpress account has the correct registration date. One of our new signups has already overwritten an active account which I'm sure you can imagine is a horrible situation and I'm at a complete loss of what to do. I realise this is a pretty bespoke and random problem but I'm posting on the off chance any has encountered anything similar to this before ( I have searched my face off ) and could throw me any kind of bone. I've cleared caches and resaved settings and anything else I can think of so any help at all would be super appreciated. Thanks
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