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Release Notes v5

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Everything posted by TheJackal84

  1. It uses the editor so it will depend group settings, Go to ACP and user groups then edit and then
  2. Updated to 1.0.2 New Features Added new settings for members to be able to block certain usergroups from viewing their topics and to exclude selected members from that group giving them permission to view their topics New ACP settings to select what groups can use the above feature @SammyS @PPlanet I haven't checked what you asked for yet but will look into it during next week
  3. yeah I could probably add somethng like that to it, now it has the tables with them in to view too
  4. So you login to the ACP go to groups and edit their settings And I can look into putting a ignore / block from sending, where the member can choose to block x/y/z member sending them sticky notes
  5. I could probably add a setting with forums to include / exclude the block from, I can give it a shot and see what I can come up with
  6. Only admin can send global sticky notes not users, I think you are mistaken the front end global ones, Members can only send personal and not to groups. Also there is a setting in the ACP for each user group on how many they can send a day
  7. Yeah that's do-able I still got a few more things to do to it like permissions on who can use the new features etc but letting you know it's possible and will be in the next update
  8. I can look into it sounds like a good idea, I will try something like to select groups to exclude except x,y,z member
  9. What so users can choose user groups as well as users?
  10. It blocks them from viewing the topics they created only
  11. I can always look and see if it's something I can do, I am adding the downloads section at the minute so will look into a way to exclude them too
  12. it's updated now sorry about that, Normally I always give admin's access to anything what I allow private
  13. Updated to 1.0.1 Bug Fix Fixed the bug where it hid the topics from admins and moderators if they were selected
  14. No ATM it won't, But I will look into that and shoot out a update, It didn't come to mind until now
  15. This is the support topic for Block From Viewing My Topics
  16. Updated to 2.0.9 New Features The ability for the admin/s to send global sticky notes from the front end, saving you having to login to the admin panel to have to send them New front page widgets Most sent sticky notes will show a block with a list of the members what have sent the most sticky notes Most received sticky notes will show a block with a list of the members what have received the most sticky notes Added a reply icon to the personal sticky notes allowing members to reply directly to the sender, this will also dismiss the sticky note Added a new button to the view notes pages allowing members to select to view all notes sent and received between X member and the logged in member in a new table Added a reply button to the view received notes page so users can easily reply to other members sticky notes If a user has not dismissed their sticky notes then the note can not be re-sent but it can still be edited Bug Fix Fixed the bug where the attachments weren't deleting or removing from the global based sticky notes
  17. If anyone wants to see some new features coming CLICK HERE I am starting to post any new stuff I add to my apps / plugins there so keep a eye out ( If your intrested that is )
  18. I found and fixed the problem, I will be updating with-in the next 24-48 hours, I got a few more bits of code then testing to make and it's ready
  19. I will check that tonight and get back to you ASAP
  20. That's another theme that has changed the header to a custom one, they moved the header inside the container instead of the container inside the header. I can do it for you if you want to send me admin login via PM or I can give you a manual patch to do your self via PM
  21. I am making 2.0.9 just to add the language string in and thought it is a waste of a upate, I am thinking of adding a couple of widgets for most sent and received and thought about allowing the admin to be able to send global sticky notes from the front end so they don't need to login to the admin panel to send them? lwt me know your thoughts on that
  22. Updated to 1.0.6 New Features Added locations to all the pages saying what the user is currently doing / viewing if using the application Added Some Widgets Added a most uploads widget showing a block with a list of members with the most uploaded media Added a last uploaded widget showing a block with a list of the last uploaded media files Added a most downloads widget showing a block with a list of the most downloaded media files Added a most viewed widget showing a block with a list of the most viewed media files If a user embeds a media file into a topic, it will delete the post/s the media file has been embedded into when / if the file gets deleted so it don't show a dead link where the file used to be Added a flood control limit to the embedding function to be set on a user group basis, for example a user needs to wait xx seconds to embed again
  23. OK I will fire a update in the next day or 2 with them included
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