APB Community started following TheJackal84
Landing Page ( Support Topic )
No I asked IPS to remove the purchases of all my files, I won't be here much longer, someone should be taking them over though just need to wait out the process
Product license keys to redeem through commerce
it is one of my custom ones
ZLTRGO started following TheJackal84
MikuruX started following TheJackal84
Club Categories ( Support Topic )
oh so not this one, so the people reading this one now knows that this one dont have a security flaw, Glad we sorted that out incase you put off anyone asking me for a copy who has a license for it
Club Categories ( Support Topic )
I understand that but I never once updated this here for 4.5, I knew it would not get accepted as it uses IPS' clubs database table to add a cat_id which you no longer allow, so the last time it got updated was for IPS 4.4 and it got accepted, not rejected for a security flaw and is still for sale, so thats what I don't understand is how it gets rejected for a security flaw when it never got updated to be rejected
Club Categories ( Support Topic )
Lol I never bothered trying to upload a 4.5 versions i knew it would be rejected as it used the table to add the cat_id apart from the you accepted it for 4.4 and still for sale or 4.4 so where the rejection for a security flaw came from is beyond me 😅
Club Categories ( Support Topic )
IPS will not allow me to upload a new version as it needed to add a cat_id to the clubs database and IPS no longer allow us to alter their databases and the way IPS works the cat_id needs to be in the clubs table, so if anyone who has purchased it send me a PM as I have updated it for my own website and anyone who don't mind it altering the clubs database to add a single column to hold the category ID can get a copy of it with the expiry date what you have here, if it's expired then you will just need to pay the renewal to gain access to it
Sticky Notes (support topic)
And like I said I have more than 1 app I work on, here I have about 50, with custom ones I have well over 100 without the ones here, I have a life, I have 2 children, I work 40 hours a week elsewhere what I have actually not been 2 for the last 2 weeks as I try to play catch up everywhere else, On IPS there are so many different versions of rules 1 post says this can happen where the other one says it can't or that it should be removed in the future, not right not but then it gets rejected as they want it removed right now, When I am writing updates some take 5 minutes some take days where some can take weeks, I update them once at a time and can not wait for a acceptance or rejection from IPS before I start on another as some can be approved on the day where some aint downloaded or checked for days so I need to start on another, 4-5 days later I get a email saying rejected cos it used 1 core_groups column and I say to myself once I finished what I am doing I will crack on and sort that, as I will not stop halfway through writing something to write something else, I also said this app has no renewal and was bought as seen working on the version it stated at the time, and I also said that my apps with renewals will always come first. Anyway it got updated so lets see what happens with it now
Members Shop ( Support Topic )
- Members Shop ( Support Topic )
In the moderator permissions there is a members shop section what allows admins / mods to buy items for free, disable it for the groups you don't want to have the freebies on the thing with all that is no logs, Unless the dev of that adds the proper way to utilize the points system it will just add points and log nothing it will be too much code and editing to do that as you may then restore the soft delete then it will need to readd etc etc check out goals it does lots of random awards etc for users to create comments, upload avatars etc etc read the description on it for all it does Do you have commerce installed and enabled?Hadi11 started following TheJackal84- Members Shop ( Support Topic )
- Advanced Gift Cards ( Support Topic )
For 1.0.4 onwards it will add a new menu tab what you need to manually add in the ACP Go to ACP > Menu Manager > Add Item > Advanced Gift Cards > Position it where you want it then publish menu- Sticky Notes (support topic)
Apps updated again to 2.3.3 hopefully I ain't missed nothing on this one, Once IPS check it if all good then everything should all be OK, Just to let everyone know, With all my applications and plugins when there is not one without a renewal it is basically your buying as is, i,e it works for the current version it states, there is no guarantee that there will be updates etc when IPS release major versions, sometimes there are reasons where they can't get updated like a couple I have already as it can only work using the IPS database and IPS no longer allow that, there are reasons where it is no longer feesable to keep updating them, there are hundreds of reasons why it might not get updated but you are buying it as is, but I personally like this application and will probably update it regardless, If anyone remembers the first version is was shocking lol a plugin what showed like 3 notes but like I say I like this app and use it myself, if anyone has any questions etc let me know- Landing Page ( Support Topic )
is that in your ACP?- Magnum Theme [ support topic ]
when you copy and paste text from invision power board forums posts etc if its like copying from the default theme etc then when you paste it pastes the background in there so you need to do what @TAMANsaid and clear the formatting when pasting- Sticky Notes (support topic)
I di dupdate it but IPS said there was stuff getting added to the members database ( I thought I removed all links to the members database on all my apps months ago must of missed this app ) I will update it with new database tables etc but I am currently working through other updates, I know its not something you all want to hear but apps and plugins with no renewals get put behind apps and plugins with renewals when it comes to priority and it can take IPS days to check and come back to me with a refusal reason etc and in this case its the core members database and by the time they get back I am deep into another program, I will do my best to get this done this week for everyone I can only really work on the default theme so using a 3rd patry could cause problems, from your image it just looks like it needs the z-index higher using css so it sits on top of the annuncements and not below, You did not need to buy it I could of generated you a purchase over on my site, it's not something I'll do for any file but on a occasion like this I would do it for you, Message me your username on my site and I'll add $40 credit to your account there ( $20 extra to maybe add a smile and to show I do care ) so you can use it to buy something else if you wanted - Members Shop ( Support Topic )