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  1. Where would this menu be found? I cannot see it in my ACP anywhere, and searching for "dormant" doesn't turn up anything other than the setting to enable or disable it.
  2. So the "Prepare for v5" feature said to post here if we have questions. I don't recall seeing anywhere that it was mentioned the status updates feature was going to be removed. While our community doesn't use them a lot, they're still something people want. Are there plans for something to replace it or is it just going away forever? If this was mentioned somewhere else I'd appreciate a link to the topic.
  3. Does anyone know if there's an add-on of some sort that will scan uploads for potential malware and/or viruses as they are uploaded? Preferably one that will auto-hide an upload and generate a moderators report if something is detected so that it can be investigated.
  4. I'm assuming that since bbpress is a Wordpress product that it's protected by Akismet. IPS doesn't have this ability, but it's something I've suggested they implement.
  5. Man, that's a pretty buried option if you ask me. It should be something more prominent, but I'm not a UI designer so I don't know what would be. It would also be very helpful if the notification was made outside of the ACP, on the site front page as a notification on the world icon. I don't particularly want the notifications via email.
  6. Ok, part of the problem is that there doesn't appear to be an actual link to bring you to this menu. Second thing is those options are showing as enabled, with no way to toggle it. Third, despite them showing as enabled, we've had requests that were filed that never triggered one. So it looks like there maybe some sort of bug here.
  7. Unless I'm missing it, there doesn't seem to be an option of any sort anywhere to have PII requests generate a notification to either the admins or the moderation staff. At the very least there should be a way to set it so that something shows up on the notifications icon on the main page. Probably optionally email someone as well, though I'd personally leave that one off.
  8. Arthmoor replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Thank you.
  9. Arthmoor replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hi, Now that there is an official method for deleting user accounts, I'd like to know how to go about canceling the license for this.
  10. No need for AI, they just need to incorporate support for Akismet. That's already wildly effective even for first time posts. It's why I keep pushing on this every time the subject of what to do comes up.
  11. I did, back in January, but there's been no indication of any interest from IPS at all.
  12. My basic point is that Akismet would never have allowed those airline spammers everyone is getting hit by to post anything, even right out of the gate on a fresh account. The current system in IPS appears to be almost entirely defensive/reactive in nature and has proven wholly ineffective at handling the problem. Even when setting up hCaptcha at "difficult" level, the problem remains. The only other advice I've seen you guys or anyone else give is to pay $20 for the CleanTalk app. While I'm sure that's an effective solution, it's one that raises the expense of running the package as a whole and not all of us want to do that. If there's something more you guy have to suggest on the subject, I'm sure we'd all appreciate knowing. I've been using Akismet for years on non-standard packages it wasn't even meant to be used on, and it's proven solid and reliable. Spammers have yet to succeed in bypassing it for posting, and only occasionally get past it for initial account registration.
  13. This is where the Akismet proposal I suggested comes into play. The spammers will indeed be known because the system will have detected already. They don't rely on waiting for assaulted forum admins to mass report things. Their algorithm is good enough to detect it on the first encounter in nearly all cases and then everyone using the same system benefits from that.
  14. It's a long standing issue with IPS and their "anti-spam" that doesn't actually prevent spam. Even with hCaptcha. It would be better to press them on enacting my suggestion from January when I got hit by the same spammers: The other often mentioned "solution" is to spend an additional $20 to install ClearTalk, but IMO one should not require additional paid apps to run an already expensive package.