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Posts posted by sTaTiiCz

  1. 4 hours ago, Fosters said:

    This page is designed for Admins to quickly see an overview of the status of forms.  Forms are meant to be managed by Moderators in the ModCP.  

    We will think about adding it to our features though.  

    would be nice thx 

    4 hours ago, Fosters said:

    Once forum topics are created, it's up to the Moderator to manage the disposition of the topics.

    Ok i understand :) 


    4 hours ago, Fosters said:

    Please submit a ticket on Fosters.Tech for us to diagnose.j

    I will do this asap thx for the reply 

  2. hi,

    i have a suggestion for your application forms

    maybe add a function to decline applications also here https://gyazo.com/fa7f04eb3ef7d01c0ccba0730b6741df so you can decline and approve applications maybe also that posts if you decline or approve they get moved  to a specific forum ? e.g: If you decline an application they get moved automaticly to declined applications also i think there is a small bug im not sure but if i i upload images to instructions or submit i cant remove them anymore they keep coming back is this normal or am i doing something wrong 



  3. hi i bought your server list but how can i fix this so mapname and server etc are on top 

    because i cant see nowhere how to change this plss help and the installation manual isnt that much to see i dont even know if i have to add it to a page or ??? 

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