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Petr Podhajsky

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Petr Podhajsky

  1. Hello, how can I make correct internal link using editor? When I use "link" button in the editor and type full URL within my domain, the link works but has rel="external" attribute. I would like to have internal links without the "external" atrribute. I tried different ways to use relative link, but never get the right URL. For example my URL is example.com. I tried to use relative url like "/test/test", but the editor converts it to https://test/test instead of "https://example.com/test/test. Thank you Petr
  2. Hello, is there a way to read and update meta keywords and meta description tags for a page using REST API? Thank you for the info (I am studing https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api?endpoint=cms/records/POSTitem but I do not see the possibility to update meta description). Petr
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