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  1. crispogba6 started following MeMaBlue
  2. Thank you ! yes I quantcast has been recommended to me also. I know about google. My issue is that I need someone help me combine all together in one. If quantcast it may be, ok! But I cant do it myself because my knowledge is limited and my time not enough to learn to do it correctly. Especially because of the combination of networks. My issue is that I want someone to implement this for me. When I tried to , i read for hours and hours and did not feel confident that I know how to do it - correctly! I think is something that is needed as a service. Its in-depth knowledge, I am an ngo and forum owner, and single mom, but not a developer or a server admin, and I dont have unlimited hours to learn it, dont beleive I really can. The developers I have asked dont do it. Other people I know, do not know ips. Gdpr is here and the ad agencies ask for a correct working consent cookie popup which I dont have. They are not able to serve ads if this is not correctly set up. So I am hanging there in my lack of know-how... As I mentioned I have a consent cookie popup set up by a previous admin on google tag manager which is popping up - but I dont know what to change there to combine the other networks! : I took a look, I really cannot understand how this thing works/if it works/what I need to add for new networks/ where to add it / is it working? / is it compliant? Its just impossible. Bur someone who knows, might be able to solve this all in 30 minutes! I am looking for that someone! ๐Ÿ™
  3. ok I posted this too just in case there is someone here, and I will go and check this out too! thank you!
  4. Hello! I am looking for someone to sort this out for me: I have 2 existing popups. They are both already visually optimized (logo, colors etc) One that was made from google tag manager, (for google and GAM campaigns) and one that appears because of an adnetwork I am serving ads for (the script is loading it because it s necessary). A third network is asking for another cookie popup that will suit them,.... so.. I need one popup that will combine. a)GTM+ googleads. b)adnetwork1 (project agora) c). adnetwork 2 (orange click media) d) adnetwork 3 (underdog media) I could ask elsewhere but they dont have ips knowledge, I would rather have someone with that knowledge so that the ips specifications can be respected/followed/combined ?... How much would something like that cost? is 50 euros enough? (If I do the placement and other extra stuff that may be needed)
  5. thank you Markus Jung! It looks really interesting and I ofcourse trust the Germans a lot with their strict policies so I will definitely take a detailed look! I am looking for someone to set this up for me, with some quote that I hope is not too high... I will post a topic about it.
  6. Thank you , yes, I have mentioned that. but there is a problem. I cant have 2 cookie pop up windows, then .. right? One from Google and one from ips? This is the thing , how and what do you choose? I will need to have someone to set this up for me. A few years ago, where advertising was better I had someone set it up for me, paid, through the Google ad Manager and it served through the admanager. Now, I would like again someone to do this for me but it needs to be combined with the knowledge of ips, as all things, since ips is a specific platform, that already has requirements and attributes. So even if I found someone from outside, It would not have the knowledge to combine with ips. [It takes specific knowledge, and since it is something legal and important that you do once I don't have the time or ability to educate myself on such technical level. Companies like quantcast don't do this for you. They want the user to set up all the variables. Its all territory that cannot be aquired in a couple of hours of reading!.. I have spent like 10 days at least already, it would be irresponsible of me to set it up on my own. ] So I wish it could be done as a paid service somehow from a developer with ips knowledge or ips . Would the cloud owners perhaps get that service maybe as an extra fee? Me I am selfhosted. It is a need that needs to be fulfilled somehow, and important. Monetization with combining adnetwork; scripts is giving more to the publisher/owner. Having only one, is not enough or is lost revenue. (example of combination, all display placements on a site are handled either via the automated adsense option or the advertisment section with the adunit tags with google adsense. (1st) , then. all sticky banners are given to a second network (2nd) , and then all vigniette or exit ad units to a third network (3rd), all of them together add to the revenue)
  7. Hello! I am confused as to if this sollution will be able to replace other cookie bar popups that we might need to place, via other ways, like quantcast, cloudflare zaraz or other such services. I need to replace my settings right now to incorporate cookie consent for GA4, and 3 network scripts Adsense, Project Agora, Underdog Media, so I am right in the middle of that process. Will someone be able to help me with using that new feature of yours (with a quote if necessary) because I dont have the time or the knowledge to set it up correctly. The variables triggers ets that those services mention above, are things I am not familiar with and I dont want to experiment. Or is the above suggested new feature not suited to combine the things I mention here and I am completely wrong and clueless asking here?. I know, that the best sollution is to choose the things that you put out which are always compatible with ips, so this is why I am asking to make sure I dont miss out on something
  8. I took a look, think I am underqualified to set it up reliably, am no developer just owner... I guess the networks that are not listed need to be added manually, and then it gets more compicated I guess. The ones that exist , are easy, like GA4... but what If I miss something and select something wrong... The css and visual part I might have already from the previous setup at GTM, but the technical stuff with all the triggers and variables... I am clueless , and I dont have the time at all to learn it... I wonder If there is someone there that I could give me a quote to set it up for me ? what is the html I will need to ad for those ad networks scripts on my global template that are not already listed ?..Its too much things I have no clue about..
  9. ah! really? yes I do use cloudflare. I will check it out thank you! it seems pretty easy, I wonder how it will look like. will report back on that!
  10. Hello! what solution did you implement, can you recommend something? some years ago 2019 I had a specialist set me up with GTM google tag manager and have a cookie with some variables setup, that lead to onetrust? but now, I think his is not relevant anymore, the person is not available anymore for an update, and I want to combine. two networks and their consent prerequisites plus adsense. I have seen adsense has an option too, to enable it if you are only running adsense. But, for me to optimize revenue I will run 3 ad networks/scripts. This seems to generate better outcome, and also I am running them not anymore via GAM, which was causing problems. So, i actually If I am not using GAM, I wont be needing the GTM tags or tag manager.. But then i will need an alternative to combine all consent options to comply with gdpr, I cant have 3 cookie bar windows for consent...... What alternatives /solutions have you used when you combine the scripts of more than just adsense network, for revenue?
  11. Hello! I am considering getting this plugin, is there a place where I can see how this will show/look like on mobile? Can anyone who is using it right now ( @DawPi maybe you have access to them) send me or post here a link to the live forums? I actually want to use this plugin to be able to show a company logo in the grid card, that will be a sponsor for a specific forum, only, while others are not sponsored/ not featured forums that are just viewed in traditional view. [Does the image in the grid card, also show when you visit the forum and read every topic in that forum ?]
  12. Hello, for future reference I am posting an update. The problem got solved. The tables were changed to innodb.... but.... this did not resolve the problem when we checked again. Because no reason could be found, I asked to see the server error logs myself - for 17 years I never had to read server error logs myself, it was something done by hosting, since I am not an IT person. I was under the wrong impression that they had looked at the whole server log file, not only on that black error message I had posted earlier. (It didnt occur to me) And what do I find. The above error table, the black image in this topic, does not show which software is causing the issue. Since the forum threw the errors and didnt function, I automatically came here and inquired the issue. My wp homepage, was running ok after all and I was using it. But, after all these weeks,... today I open the error logs,... and what is the issue seen there? Its not even invision at fault, its my wp homepage .... ! The custom theme had an issue, right after the server change...but it did not show in the front end or in the usability! (on my server I have a wp homepage which is the face of the ngo company, and in the directory homepage...../forum. there is the invision forum , plus I have another domain with only a forum on it, all in the same server)... So... just,... many weeks of stress because of ... So thank you everybody, you can make another case study of why its horrible to self host nowadays. But, to answer your question @Marc Stridgen my whole setup right now does not allow for a switch financially. Ofcourse after all that time i lost this year, I would do the switch with closed eyes If I could. If I had more funding I definitely would like to benefit from all the cloud options you have made and ofcourse the endless live topic options. Maybe in a later time when the ngo is funded better / I get a hold of some subscription money etc . Thats a different discussion, but ! thank you! @Daniel F you too ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™‚
  13. hello, after contacting the hosts, they told me from monitoring the server that the cron job is running once an hour to empty the temp file which is 3,9 GB and is not emptying itself . 2023-04-18 09:13:30 Disk used 4093313024 2023-04-18 08:13:30 Disk used 4093313024 2023-04-18 07:13:30 Disk used 4093313024 2023-04-18 10:13:30 Disk used 4093313024 2023-04-18 11:13:30 Disk used 4093313024 2023-04-18 12:13:30 Disk used 4093313024 Dear @Marc Stridgen or someone else from the invision team can please guide me to what is to be done, because I am stuck into not knowing that I need to change so that the temp file is not failing to empty itself (?) as it should. As far as I can understand, this is the issue here. please guide me as to what changes need to be made for that not to happen..
  14. Hello, I have not found a solution for that yet and the support from the hosting has done the following "Hello since the /tmp maxed out again, we have implemented a cronjob at the server so that it empties the tmp file when it sees that its use is more than 95%. [ as previously stated the temp file is many GB more than 3 i remember ]. please notify us when you solve the issue so that we remove the cron job. " So, @Makoto can you perhaps tell me where you can see that: "it looks like your server is also configured to use MyISAM instead of InnoDB." so that I perhaps ask the host / tell them that I need something changed from their side, and what needs to be changed. I will ask the host to tell me how many times this has happened now, so that I get a statistic. Can someone from the team perhaps look into my error logs These are from the 2 licences. Maybe something else can also be found .. and maybe I am at the wrong path?
  15. hello๐Ÿ™, can perhaps someone do this for me / provide me with a quote to do it for me ?
  16. hello, can someone who is experienced perhaps do this switch for me, I dont want to take the risk , could someone give me a quote on it, since it happened again now ?....