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Posts posted by asdasdasdfsdfsdfsdf

  1. When using the slider, if you delete the background images, there are issues displaying any sliders after the first one because the previous slides before it are not hidden and then all slides overlap.

    Is there an ETA on any of these fixes? It's crucial that my website is able to function properly.

    EDIT: The guest message is invisible on the contact us page. The slide is there but there is no content.

    EDIT2: When the Transparent Header Layout is toggled on, the header is not transparent. When toggled on, it should be transparent. It seems like a lot of the configuration settings are backwards. I'm really hoping to see a big bug fix update soon.

    EDIT3: The slider covers a lot of content in mobile view.

    EDIT4: Avatars display when browsing the forums are out of alignment on mobile view.

  2. Amazing theme!

    There seems to be an issue when you have too many navigation links. The search bar doesn't cause the navigation links to condense down to fit the page. See attached images for a visual representation.


    Edit: Also, the guest message doesn't seem to show up when toggled on.

    Edit2: The show spinner toggle in the 'Other' tab seems to be inverted. Off shows the spinner, On disables the spinner. I recommend making sure no other settings are inverted.

    Edit3: Member Avatars when searching members do not display properly.




  3. I love your theme! It looks beautiful and there are plenty of customization options!

    I do have a few questions:

    • I heard there is an issue using the 'Upload a new version' option.
      • If there is not an issue using this update method, will custom color modifications be lost when I update your theme?
      • If there is an issue using this update method, do you have instructions on maybe adding our own palette within the colorizer tab? That way we can easily restore our color configurations when we update the theme.
      • If there is no workaround, will using the custom.css file work fine to modify theme colors using the !important declaration?


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