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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Fosters

  1. Thanks, this was indeed a bug. A new version was released today.
  2. It's using the default IPS4 address feature which should detect the country automatically.
  3. What is the debug criterias page saying?Could you please post the debug output here?
  4. That's not possible yet, but the next major release will allow you this.
  5. Do you mean a custom page within each club? No this wouldn't work with this app, it has only 1 public page and no frontend manage features at all, but we could create a brandnew app for this purpose.
  6. Thank you for your interest. It's a very simple app. It adds Venues to the +Create button on the front-end, so your users can add their own venues on the front-end instead of only admins. If you host many calendar events in physical locations, it's hard for an admin to define all locations in advance so we wanted to let our users create locations and events on their own. Right now, they can't do that in IPS and always need to message me.
  7. Foster's Tutorial: Quality Content Are you looking for a way to reward quality postings in your community? Are you looking to recognize superusers who make an outsized contribution to your community? Are you looking to build a knowledge hub with reputable information? Trying to sift through the morass of community posts can be a difficult feat for most community managers, as many communities are filled with low quality posts on general discussion topics, off topic jokes, or social chit chat. If you're an admin who wants to cut through the chit chat and grow your reputation for high quality information, then you need a way to both recognize and reward reputable users. Trophies & Medals by @Fosters is a full-featured awards system that will enable you to recognize the contributions of your users. In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to create a simple but effective automated system that rewards trophies based upon user reputation. Using the native IPS functionality of reputation that gives users +1 / -1, you can build your own trophy system in minutes. 1. First, navigate to the ACP > Trophies and Medals app, which will show you all of the options for the application. 2. Click on Trophies > + Create New button. You will create a trophy category with a Name and Description. For example: "Trophies for Reputation." Click Save. Enter in the Name and Description to create a Project category. 3. Once you've created a category, click on + to "Add Trophy." Create your first trophy with the Name, Description, and Icon. For example: "Awesome Rep +1". Enter in the Name, Description, and Icon to create a new Trophy. 4. Click on the tab "Award this trophy if..." and select User received at least X reputation = 1. This will award the trophy when the user has received his first reputation. You can browse and select other criteria as needed. Click Save. User received at least X reputation should be 1. Congratulations, you did it! You created your first trophy that auto-awards any member with at least 1 reputation. If you want, you can go back and start creating more trophies for different levels of reputation. This is what it can look like once you add more trophies: By creating a series of trophies that automatically award members for superior reputation, you're recognizing the positive contributions of your membership and motivating them to continue posting quality content! This will result in more meaningful posts in your community, motivating users to offer insightful and useful commentary to other members, and deepen the quality of conversation. Best of all, it gives you an automated award system that constantly runs in the background without any further work on your part. You target positive behavior in your community and encourage users to build up the collective body of knowledge over time. Advanced Tips Here are a couple of our favorite tips on making the most of the trophy system for quality content: Inform your users about the new trophy badges that they can earn! Write 2 - 3 short topics on how they earn the trophy badges, what the different badges signity, and to seek input and involvement on creative brainstorming for the badges. It's a great way to roll it out in advance and get your community excited about this new way to reward quality posts! Give a unique compliment such as "Awesome job!" or "People think you're amazing!" in the description of each trophy. This engenders a positive feedback loop to encourage more positive behavior. Make your levels progressively harder. Instead of every 5 reputation levels (eg. 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25), try to make it harder over time so users need to work more to obtain the next trophy (eg. 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100). This ensures that trophies aren't too easy to attain in a routine fashion. Let users know when their next trophy is awarded in the description. This gives them a goal to work towards and a reason to login to your community. For example, if they're at a trophy for reputation 20, let the user know to keep up the good work and receive their next trophy at reputation 50. This offers a goal completion to motivate users. If you run a Q&A forum, you can target 'best answers' using specialized trophy criteria and let your community compete for the most best answers. Recognize them in person! While the best part about the Trophies & Medals system is the level of automation that you can define in advance, you should take the time to recognize and cheer on members when they hit certain levels. It doesn't have to be every time nor for every user, but when you notice a great post or a lot of reputation, let them know they're on their way to earning their next trophy for reputation! I hope you enjoyed this Foster's Tutorial and learned some new things. We're always open for questions or issues, and be sure to "like" this topic so we can start earning our reputation badges too . Fosters
  8. A new version is available in the marketplace. Fixed Bugs: ACP Permission Check ( Co-Admins with individual permissions weren't able to manage applications)
  9. Sorry for this, should be fixed now.
  10. Sorry, I missed this question. No, it's not compatible with IPS 4.1.x since it uses some methods which exist only since 4.2 A new version was released.
  11. Yea we'll improve this. in the meantime you could style it via css. Each notice has an unique class which can be used to style it. We're preparing a demo page to showcase some really cool stuff.
  12. A new version was released today fixing a IPS 4.2 compatibility issue. We have also added a new translatable title field, to allow people to use custom titles for the rules.
  13. @cristian romero garcia i've sent you a PM
  14. AWW:( faeces thx, that's a bug in an other fosters app ( inactive members) . Give me some minutes to fix it
  15. The menu shouldn't be blocked. We have spent a lot of time to ensure this. Not dismissable items can be moved around, so that they don't block anything. Anyway, it was tricky, but I was able to include groups into the filter It just needs some further testing and then we should be ready to release it
  16. Yes, guests can't dismiss notices because we store the dismissed items in the database. The client who initially requested this app didn't need it for guests, so we hadn't such problems in mind. I'll make sure that the next release fixes this issues
  17. That's not possible ATM, it's working only on a per app basis, but that's something that we've targeted for the next feature release.
  18. Thanks, I didn't know that it's missing. It seems that the Group MemberFilter doesn't include guests. Will include a new option for this ASAP
  19. Thanks for the great suggestions! Please be sure to post them as a suggestion the Project Manager for Trophies & Medals on my website Fosters.Tech.
  20. Do you see any errors in you acp error log? Could I please get ACP access for a look?
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