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Release Notes v5





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  1. Tutorial 3: Scenarios There are so many fun ways to utilize Custom Notifications. The sky is the limit (and even then, we're ridin' high on a rocketship). We have so many ideas for you, we had to group them into separate sections! Pick and choose which scenarios you like, and start building your Custom Notifications! Awards System Sample scenarios for you to reward and congratulate users for achieving new milestones: Activity -- Create an informal system of activity awards by congratulating users on their activity in the website. The criteria for content count includes any activity, such as writing a topic, responding to a post, answering a question, uploading an image, etc. More content usually means more experience and greater membership with the website. Reputation -- Tie into the default IPS rank by congratulating and notifying users about achieving a new rank. When used in conjunction with the rank system, you can create a reputation awards system! Leaderboard -- Let users race for the leaderboard in a daily competition by congratulating users if they were Member of the Day in the past. Duration -- Do you have a user who has been a member for 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, or even 1 decade with your website? That's awesome! Let them know about their anniversary day with a custom notification. Commerce Drive more business by issuing custom notifications upon a recent purchase: Thank You - Send a thank you note for supporting your website by purchasing a product or subscription. Upsell - Offer a relevant and more valuable purchase in your store. Remember to link to the product so users can easily access. Drip Campaign - Target these 'high-value' members by membergroup or purchase in a drip campaign by sending them custom notifications on a consistent basis. Members Get new members involved, get old members back, and get all members more involved: New Members - Filter for lurkers with no content count or members who joined in the last day, and provide a series of educational tips to introduce them to your community. Help them introduce themselves in an Introduction Board; help them write their first post; help them fill out their profile. Inactive Members - Filter for members who last visited over 90 days ago and send them a custom notification to bring them back! Member Engagement - You can mix-and-match criteria for membergroups, member last posted, member last visited, and member joined to target any kind of member that you want. Community These are some of our most favorite ideas, but we didn't know how to categorize them so here they are! Tour - Give a virtual tour of your community, roll out new features, or introduce new upgrades by sending out notifications over time showing off new features or options. Remember to link to the content item or a tutorial for more information. Security - With the rise of identity theft, it's more important than ever to inform your users about your website's security precautions. You can use Custom Notifications to highlight important security features like asking users to input their password when accessing secure areas like the Client Area, privacy over items like birthdays or emails, the new 2 Factor Authentication with Google Authenticator, changes to your Terms of Service, etc. Holidays or Important Days - Auto-celebrate the holidays (and leave time to actually party!) by creating a series of holiday wishes or important days by creating custom notifications in advance and then enabling the notification when needed. As you can see, there is SO MUCH you can do with Custom Notifications! It's driven by an extensive list of criteria where you can target everyone, hyper-target a select few, target high-value, or target members to become more engaged. It's also a system where you can build multiple campaigns of multiple notifications, enabling you to create elaborate series of notifications that are entirely automated. And finally, it's so easy. This app includes everything with simple and clear options for you to get started in minutes. We wish we could notify everyone on how fun and amazing this app can be so you can be the next InvisionPOWER Admin!
  2. The latest release is the one that's available right now, so we encourage you to see if that's appropriate for you at this time. Otherwise we will release when it's ready. Keep in mind that we offer native integration with Automation Rules so you are able to mimic any count you want in the community using rules. While we would love to develop as many features as we can and fit within your timetable, we ultimately need to adhere to our own internal development plan.
  3. We have sent it out to testers and were polishing it to have a perfect instead of a halfbaked, buggy release. Too many things changed and needed further testing. It's ready when it's ready, but I really expect it this weekend I'm sorry for the delay, it wasn't expected that it would take that long, but we all want a stable release, or?;)
  4. No it won't We have a new feature in the pipeline which allows you to set this up on a per app/node basis. Unfortunately, it didn't work as expected, so we're not going to include it till it works flawless. The existing criteria won't be removed:)
  5. Tutorial 2: Advanced Strategies This is when the fun starts and you become a power user of the app. It's easy to learn, easy to implement, and there are so many things you can do with the app! There are two key features in Custom Notifications that makes the app especially powerful: Multiple Notifications Multiple Criteria Let's take a look at these two features in more detail. Multiple Notifications You know how to write your first notification. Now it's time to write multiple notifications, so you can create an automated system that constantly engages the users. You can create a whole campaign for things like new member engagement, member inactivity, member ranks, or anything else by using multiple notifications to constantly and successively ping your users. And the more you notify the users, the more they stay on your website! So much notification, your users will never want to leave. Multiple Criteria What energizes the entire notification system is the criteria system, and the criteria system can be simple or elaborate. It's all up to you. You can choose to send out unique notifications that hyper-target a particular time, date, or membership; you can send out a series of notifications based upon successive criteria; or you can send out notifications that integrate with features in the IPS software. Taking advantage of the criteria system is what will empower you to create an incredible set of notifications. This is the full set of current criteria: Content Content - with options for any, greater than, less than, or equal Member Groups 2 Factor Authentication Member Last Posted Member Last Visited Member of the Day Member Joined Reputation Commerce - Purchases Gallery - Albums
  6. Tutorial 1: How to Write a Custom Notification The first part of the tutorial is to learn how to write your first custom notification. It will take you 30 seconds; we promise you it's that easy! Navigate to ACP > Members > Custom Notifications Click on the "+Create New" button Write a message like "Hello new member, thank you for joining our community." You have two voluntary options: Link -- Link to a content item or a URL of your choice. Author -- Define an author or let the message be generic Go to the "General Filters" tab. Define the criteria that you want. Then click Save. That's it! You should see your first notification. Enable or Disable your custom notification as needed. Great job! You created a Custom Notification! Extra Notes Some extra tips to make the most out of the app: If you want to test, we recommend you add the criteria Group = Administrator so the notification goes to the Administrators. Each notification will have options to enable, send, edit, copy or delete. If you're testing, you can 'send' the notification. If you're building a system of notifications, you can 'copy' the notification. If you want to change the criteria, you can 'edit' the notification. Each notification will have options to enable, send, edit, copy, or delete.
  7. thx. I'll really need to investigate this on one of your sites, it must be some strange permissions setup, since I can't reproduce it locally or on fosters.tech.
  8. Haven't we mentioned this in one of the PMs ? I'm sure we did:( Anyway, glad that you figured it out
  9. Custom Notifications is one of the simplest and easiest applications in our portfolio, yet it's also one of the most powerful. You can use this in incredible ways, limited only by your imagination (no unicorns though!). We want to show you how to write custom notifications, two advanced ways to build a system, and give you ideas in when to use it. As a brief introduction, Custom Notifications allows you to write your own custom notifications based upon certain criteria. That's it. It's so easy that you can write your first notification in 30 seconds! But did you know you can define a cascading series of notifications backed by an elaborate system of criteria, which allows you to penetrate and hyper-target certain kinds of users? That's where the simplicity of overlapping notifications can be leveraged into an incredible system by using two key features: Multiple notifications -- Write the notifications in advance, so they're entirely automated. Multiple criteria - Base your criteria upon successive criteria, so you create a series of notifications. You can set up an automated system of notifications that trigger when certain criteria is met, which can create a never-ending system of engaging your userbase. Become an "InvisionPOWER admin" in no time! (yes, yes we did come up with that pun, and yes we're totally trademarking that idea ). We have 3 tutorials in this series, so follow this topic to read each tutorial when they're published.
  10. I can't reproduce this local. Could I probably get the ACP access to your installation to take a look at the project settings and permissions?
  11. I've got login credentials and I see the issue. The link has no text at all, it's just an image. Thanks for the report. It's probably worth to not include the favicon for such links. I'll fix this in the next release( https://fosters.tech/projects/item/615-links-without-text/ )
  12. Unfortunately, I see only "register or login"
  13. Hi, I can't see this as guest. Could you please copy the html sourcecode of this part and send it via a PM to take a look at this:) Thx.
  14. Now it won't be a surprise anymore Yea, that's one of the new enhancements
  15. Thanks, a new release will be released tomorrow fixing this bug (we have sent out a beta to some clients who confirmed that this is fixed) and it will include also some new features
  16. No, but we could create a custom app for you if you want
  17. Could you please try the new version which was just released
  18. We would like to sincerely thank all customers of Application Forms, making it the #1 most popular application in the IPS Marketplace as of today. Thank you for trusting us with your third-party needs as Fosters Crew builds new and delightful apps for your IPS community. We're delighted at the chance to serve you and your users as we build the most awesome communities using the best software ever!
  19. Thank you to everybody who took advantage of the flash sale on Inactive Members. The sale has concluded.
  20. There's a bug in our 1.2 release which is delaying the release. We'll remove this feature from the 1.2 release and release this app next week with all the new features ( iAwards importer, trophy replacement, etc..., but without the "asskicking content criteria) which will be included in a later 1.2.x release
  21. We're working on this:) ( Nobody else has reported any issues with this app, we're also using it at fosters.tech without any issues. )
  22. We have moved this task to the todo list for the next feature release, where we're going to enhance the output on the bookmarks overview page. In the meanwhile, you could customize the bookmarkRows template
  23. A new bugfix release is available fixing the broken ACP Log Page pagination.
  24. Seems so:( Could I please get ACP access to take a look at this?
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