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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Fosters

  1. Thanks, that seems to be a bug in IPS4. I have reported it
  2. It's a moderator permission, so you can set it for members and groups, just like any other moderator permission in IPS4
  3. It moves the submitter to a group if you have set it up
  4. Fosters Crew is pleased to present the newest version of Custom Notifications v1.2.0, available immediately in the IPS Marketplace for download. The newest version of Custom Notifications overhauls the listing in the ACP. ACP Listing The list of custom notifications in the ACP received a design overhaul, with an easier view of the notifications and advanced settings available at your fingertip. You can filter by Sent, Unsent, or All with easy filters: And you can Send, Search, and see latest Sent on information directly from the table: Please remember to report any bugs or suggestions to the Project Manager https://fosters.tech/projects/project/22-custom-notifications/?do=issues
  5. I can't reproduce this. Could I get a link to your site to take a look at this?
  6. Is your nexus/commerce installation up2date?
  7. Hi, I think you are asking: Does staff receive notification when user submits form? No, but we like the idea and will consider it. (However, staff can 'follow' topic where new topics are created when submit form.) List to approve / deny? Yes in ModCP I hope this answers your questions
  8. Working on it right now. Sorry for the delay.
  9. @buddylove what isn’t working for you? Is the page not shown? Have you configured the app/set it as default?
  10. Fosters Crew is pleased to present the newest version of Application Forms v2.1.0, available immediately in the IPS Marketplace for download. The newest version of Application Forms adds several great enhancements to your submission forms. Form Display We've now added two options to display your forms! One option is Horizontal, which shows each field's title next to the user options. The other option is Vertical, which shows each field's title above the user options. This display choice is configured in the Application settings, and gives admins greater control over displaying forms for certain layouts. Checkboxes Checkboxes are now easier to understand with output options for Yes / No instead of the ID Apply Once Control your forms better by allowing users to only apply once. This is an existing feature already in Application Forms, and we're now expanding upon it by not allowing users to apply once they've already applied once. When users visit the list of open applications, they won't see an Apply button next to the form. Automatic Post on Approve / Deny ApplicationAction Extension Third-party developers can now hook into Application Forms by utilzing our ApplicationAction extension. This gives the ability for any modder to utilize Application Forms with their own application to build amazing integration. Several other enhancements and bug fixes have been released in v2.1.0, so we encourage you to check out the latest version or pick up a copy in the IPS Marketplace! The application is still a work-in-progress, so please share your feedback and bug reports in the Project Manager.
  11. Do you see any errors in the ACP System Log?
  12. @optrexnz is the new version working?:) Have you probably noticed any other templates?
  13. It's on the roadmap for a future release, I don't like the idea to use %3$s for this, I want to provide a better, more userfriendly UI for this:) Fixed in 2.1.0
  14. I have released a new version addressing this issue:)
  15. Sorry for this. A bugfix release fixing this and some other templates will be released later today.
  16. Application Forms 2.1.0 is going to include a new setting which will allow you to set the form output type to accomplish
  17. Hi, thank you for considering Application Forms. 1. Yes, we use Application Forms for our own workflow to receive custom work from clients. On our website https://fosters.tech/, go to Custom Proposals > Proposals. 2. Yes, it creates a topic in the forum of your choice. 3. We have predefined certain tags you can insert into the topic title such as the Application title and membername. We do not have tags for age and game, since those are inputs from custom fields that change for every form. That information gets added to the body of the topic, not the title. 4. No email, but we're open to notification options to deny / approve a form.
  18. You can add the navbar tab link to your navbar via the menu manager.
  19. Fosters Crew is pleased to present the newest version of Application Forms v2.0.6, available immediately in the IPS Marketplace for download. The newest version of Application Forms includes two new features to make it easier for your moderators to manage your forms. Sort Order We have added a new reordering ability for your Application Forms, which allows you to move them up / down according to your preferences. This option is available for Administrators when they manage the forms in the ACP. Delete Submissions Moderators have a new ability to delete user forms. This is useful when: You want to delete improper or incomplete forms You are testing and want to allow users to re-apply when the form only allows users to apply once You want to clean up old forms that are no longer valid The new permissions are located in ACP > Members > Moderators. You will see a new tab dedicated to Application Forms. On the front-end, your Moderators will be able to delete the form in the ModCP. Click on a form's Details to see options to delete, deny, or approve.
  20. Indeed:( I'm sorry for this. I've sent you a new version. Could you please test it before we update the MP version thx
  21. Is this still a problem for you? This should be fixed already. Oh wait, sorry I didn't saw that you posted the same on oct,14. Let me check the code
  22. I couldn’t find any issue in our end. Could we probably get ACP access to take a look?
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