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Posts posted by topek

  1. Hello,

    we have strange problem (I don't see any JS errors in the console so it's hard to debug it by my own) with the guest replies.

    When I go to topic and try add a reply as a guest - all is fine. But then the small circle is pending and the editor isn't showing up.

    Of course done:

    - disabled all plugins/apps and tested, without success.

    Any advice would be helpfull.


    What I'm speaking about:



  2. 3 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    If you are using quick register, you would need to set up profile completion steps and set those to required.

    What you mean? I've setup it already:



    Both selected Fields are Radio type.

    3 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    If so, please change to quick register

    Change what and where exactly?

    4 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Also let us know at least one mandatory field you believe it should be asking for.

    As you can see above - Rodzaj konta and Praca.


    4 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Facebook would be the same there as its not part of the main login method.

    But it's kind of login method so it should be "compatible" with the requiring filling profile steps, yes?

  3. Files were restored but the error still occur:

    SELECT main.*, ((MATCH(index_title) AGAINST ('opiekunka' IN BOOLEAN MODE)*5)+(MATCH(index_content,index_title) AGAINST ('opiekunka' IN BOOLEAN MODE)))/POWER(( ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW() ) - ( CASE WHEN index_date_updated <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP( NOW() ) THEN index_date_updated ELSE 0 END )) / 3600 ) + 2,1.5) AS calcscore FROM `ibpo_core_search_index` AS `main` WHERE ( ( index_class IN('IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Status','IPS\\core\\Statuses\\Reply') ) OR index_class='IPS\forums\Topic\Post' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\calendar\\Event','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Comment','IPS\\calendar\\Event\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\form\Log' OR index_class='IPS\cms\Pages\PageItem' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\cms\\Records1','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Comment1','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Review1') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\cms\\Records3','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Comment3','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Review3') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\cms\\Records4','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Comment4','IPS\\cms\\Records\\Review4') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\blog\\Entry','IPS\\blog\\Entry\\Comment') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\tutorials\\Article','IPS\\tutorials\\Article\\Comment','IPS\\tutorials\\Article\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\nexus\\Package\\Item','IPS\\nexus\\Package\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Image','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Image\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Item','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Comment','IPS\\gallery\\Album\\Review') ) OR index_class='IPS\sdstelmeter\Image' OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\quizzes\\Quiz','IPS\\quizzes\\Quiz\\Comment','IPS\\quizzes\\Quiz\\Review') ) OR ( index_class IN('IPS\\communitymap\\Markers','IPS\\communitymap\\Markers\\Comment','IPS\\communitymap\\Markers\\Review') ) ) AND MATCH(index_content,index_title) AGAINST ('opiekunka' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AND ( index_permissions = '*' OR ( FIND_IN_SET(4,index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('m1093',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('ca',index_permissions) OR FIND_IN_SET('cm',index_permissions) ) ) ORDER BY calcscore DESC LIMIT 0,25
    IPS\Db\Exception: DOUBLE value is out of range in '(((match `ciya3o_opiekunk`.`main`.`index_title` against ('opiekunka' in boolean mode)) * 5) + (match `ciya3o_opiekunk`.`main`.`index_content`,`ciya3o_opiekunk`.`main`.`index_title` against ('opiekunka' in boolean mode)))' (1690)
    #0 /home/klient.dhosting.pl/mediatop/Opiekunka/system/Db/Select.php(446): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery()
    #1 [internal function]: IPS\Db\_Select->rewind()
    #2 /home/klient.dhosting.pl/mediatop/Opiekunka/system/Content/Search/Mysql/Query.php(1302): iterator_to_array(Object(IPS\Db\Select))
    #3 /home/klient.dhosting.pl/mediatop/Opiekunka/applications/core/modules/front/search/search.php(729): IPS\Content\Search\Mysql\_Query->search('opiekunka', NULL, 17, 'or')
    #4 /home/klient.dhosting.pl/mediatop/Opiekunka/applications/core/modules/front/search/search.php(109): IPS\core\modules\front\search\_search->_results()
    #5 /home/klient.dhosting.pl/mediatop/Opiekunka/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(101): IPS\core\modules\front\search\_search->manage()
    #6 /home/klient.dhosting.pl/mediatop/Opiekunka/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute()
    #7 /home/klient.dhosting.pl/mediatop/Opiekunka/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run()
    #8 {main}


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