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  1. dn48obrien started following SeNioR-
  2. Guys, as Gary (former employee) wrote, IC5 introduces many new improvements, from back-end to front-end, it is worth waiting a little longer for the stable version, believe me, I have been operating with IC since 2013 and none of the versions made such an impression on me as IC5.
  3. Thank you. That's exactly what I mean. Please take into account that we have just welcomed the new year and before that we had Christmas. During this period, the IPS team always takes a day off to spend this time with family and loved ones. Understand that money is not the most important thing in life, Invison Community is just a business, there are important and more important things. Personally, I would rather wait a few months for a polished product than receive it now and install a patch or security patch every few days. Whatever IPS decides, I appeal to you to respect their decision.
  4. Exactly. @Matt is currently on a coffee detox so his productivity has dropped a bit, but expect more betas in the coming weeks.
  5. Guys, are you serious? It's better to wait longer for a stable product than to get it now in a buggy form. Look how many bugs were reported in a week.
  6. and more about why it's important: https://dequeuniversity.com/rules/axe/4.10/color-contrast
  7. Same here: https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/479702-mobile-photos-are-sideways/
  8. Hi there. I noticed that after adding an ad, it loads 3 times, regardless of whether we set the "Upload smaller versions?" option in ACP to Yes. As you can see below, the same image is loaded in 3 different divs which are of course hidden for specific devices, yet I don't understand why load the same image 3 times?
  9. I don't know what you think, but I would align the icon with the content next to it and add a separator. .elUserNav_achievements__icon {display: flex; align-items: center;} Before: After:
  10. @Code Name Jessica This is a suggestion, not a request for help. I don't need advice from ChatGPT, I know the basics of coding...
  11. I don't know what @Ehren thinks about this, but it would be nice to add "position:sticky" here so that the author column is always visible. This will eliminate the empty space.
  12. You're right. I haven't checked it. Changing it to 15 should do the trick. Optionally, you can change the layout from 3: .ipsData--mini-grid.ipsData--carousel:has(.ipsData__item:nth-child(9)) { grid-template-rows: repeat(3, auto); } to 2 columns: .ipsData--mini-grid.ipsData--carousel:has(.ipsData__item:nth-child(9)) { grid-template-rows: repeat(2, auto); }
  13. SeNioR- started following PabloPL
  14. It's a bit pointless, because if someone has a higher resolution, the last cell will remain empty, and vice versa, if someone has a smaller one, the cells will be arranged differently. This is how CSS Flex works.
  15. That's right, but the fewer images the better, so why not go completely modern? I think that browser icons in settings can be easily added as SVG, the same with the default avatar - especially since in IC5 you can no longer edit it to your own. The default avatar is displayed in many places, I know it weighs little but it is still a resource that loads, and if it were in SVG, there would always be fewer warnings in PageSpeed and a few milliseconds less page loading time 🙂
  16. Exactly, the ability to select FA icons here would be a very good addition and could actually fix the bug I reported.
  17. Is there any reason not to use a newer and lighter format like avif, webP or even SVG for various icons like: applications/core/interface/logos/browsers/Edge.png static/resources/core_default_photo.png static/resources/core_upload.png static/resources/core_message.png static/resources/core_notification.png Not that I'm nitpicking, but why not add a default avatar in SVG? That's always one less resource to load.