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Jim M

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Everything posted by Jim M

  1. In 4.5, the block that Daniel is referring to is an easy way to do text and then can also do some extra styling via some built-in settings or CSS. It's pretty cool but may not be what you need here. In 4.4/4.5, there is the WYSIWYG block in Pages which gives you the standard editor you see creating content throughout our software. This you can do an easy title and normal text using the editor buttons.
  2. This warning in your ACP is a strong recommendation as these functions can be dangerous but our software can run without issue with them enabled. This is merely a recommendation to strengthen the security of your server as our software (and others) does not utilize these dangerous functions (as mentioned in the warning). If you are on a shared server, you may not have complete control over the server as indicated by your hosting provider. This would be something you would want to research if you want the capability to better secure your server or stick with your provider.
  3. Just need to click the dot.
  4. Correct. It is group based.
  5. Ideas don't make it into our software because of the size of the community who requested but the merit of the idea and the usefulness of the idea to other clients 😉 . Screenshots are indeed not required. This a is a per category setting.
  6. Think this would be a case to allow screenshots in the Downloads application to be re-used across downloads like we do for many other attachments, rather than storing some images in 1 directory. I'm not sure how popular this would be though as I don't imagine many people re-using screenshots in Downloads. However, you may wish to make this suggestion in the Feedback forum if this is something you desire.
  7. The og prefix is for open graph, this is mainly for when your website is shared to Facebook and other websites. Little information on that: https://ahrefs.com/blog/open-graph-meta-tags/ That would only be if they are using Forums as their default application is at their community index. As mentioned, it would be better for them to assess the situation and use the information provided in my post if they are unsure:
  8. That will place the "og:site_name" tag on all pages as you've inserted it there. Testing that myself, that is what I'm receiving. As you've left the Title tag empty, it won't replace anything for Title.
  9. Are you sure you didn't do "/" instead? That will be for the software's index page.
  10. Just a heads up, you will not want to use * and replace the Title. This will replace the page title on every page with whatever you place there. That will mislead users and degrade SEO. You will just want to change the page title for your forum index, which you can do via the meta tag live editor if you are unsure of the page address:
  11. Please submit a ticket for support.
  12. These would be things outside our software and server-specific so hard to say. If you are not running Apache, you would want to look at your web server's configuration for any rewrites or redirects which may be including your old URL. This would cause a redirection back to your old server (aka current live URL). If you are getting stuck and/or are uncomfortable in performing this, I would suggest reaching out to a qualified server administrator. There are some in our third party providers who are knowledgeable with servers and obviously, experienced with Invision Community: https://invisioncommunity.com/third-party/providers/
  13. This would indicate you are being redirected back to your live site. Check your conf_global.php to ensure the URL there is indeed your Test URL, not your Live URL. If it is, check for server redirects from .htaccess or similar files which are redirecting you back to your live site. Once you correct that, you can follow this guide to setup your Test URL and ensure it’s licensed: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/client-services/license-keys-urls-r344/
  14. I would suggest looking with your hosting provider why the email is being rejected, whether you're on a blacklist, etc... Blocking email domains from registering is not a good experience for potential users. However, if you want to prevent people from registering with a certain email domain, you can do this with Ban Filters:
  15. Need to click the “Source” button in the editor to insert HTML
  16. If you have incoming emails setup, any email sent to the email address(es) (if you're using piping) for your department(s) will be made into a ticket. The email address used for invoice uses the outgoing email address in your Email Settings so would not necessarily follow this pattern.
  17. Please submit a ticket in the Client Area and we can help you with the cancellation.
  18. Check your PHP max upload size in your PHP.ini on your server. If that’s fine, what’s the exact error you’re getting?
  19. This is available at the top of most scenarios with checkboxes. In the example of forum topics, it is just to the right moderator actions and just below “Reply to this topic” button. Just click and hit ‘None” and it will deselect all checkboxes.
  20. It would be recommended to inspect why you’re not receiving the emails. As either they are not setup correctly or encountering an error being handed off to your email provider. Both of which would not help by complicating the setup. If things are setup correctly for admin notifications, you will want to see if there are any errors handing the email off to your email provider in ACP > System > Email Settings > Email Error Log. If notifications are setup and there are no errors in the log. There may be an issue with your email provider sending the mail or an issue elsewhere. If you’re able to receive other emails from your community, please submit a ticket to us and we can look further. If you’re not receiving any emails, you’ll want to contact your email provider.
  21. Jim M

    reCAPTCHA v3

    Feel free to submit a ticket if you're still having issues 🙂
  22. Jim M

    reCAPTCHA v3

    reCAPTCHA V3 has not been introduced in our software. For reCAPTCHA V2, only regular or invisible are all that is currently available.
  23. This order in the ACP will reflect on the front-end.
  24. No MS SQL. Only MySQL based
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