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Jim M

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Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Files will still be uploaded temporarily to your server and then sent to S3. You will want to check your server error logs to see what is happening when you upload this image. It will take some investigation on you or your hosting provider's end to see what is happening here but I can assure you, -200 error's are always an issue on the server's side.
  2. You would simply post your issue here on our forum, it is completely staffed by our team 😉
  3. I am not seeing anything specific in there to the upgrade, however, there is a lot. Could you please attempt the upgrade and then if/when you run into the Internal Server Error, please note the date/time then provide us only with that log entry. It could well be too that your hosting provider may need to provide the log if you do not have permission to supply Apache Server Error logs.
  4. You have several active licenses which have been renewed but I do not see a newly purchased license under this account. Was it under a different account? Newly purchased self-hosted licenses receive 30 day ticket support. Otherwise, there is forum support here on our community which is completely staffed by ourselves and we would answer the same like a ticket. If the ticket requires escalation, we can still convert the topic to a ticket if need be. However, we have found an extremely high percentage of support tickets are basic "how-to" functionality which can be collectively shared or even in the case of a technical issue, can be collaboratively resolved on our community. It let's our customers search for common questions and us to better review what is happening, as after-all, we're a community software provider 🙂 .
  5. What Marc is referring to in the ticket, is indeed what we would like to have because the short answer is you cannot really bring anything over. The database itself likely shouldn't be too much of a problem here if you were on 4.6.9 (don't quote me) but going from 4.6.9 to 4.6.10 is not like going from 3.x to 4.6.10 which depending on the age of your database may cause you problems. The 500 Internal Server Error which you're facing could be something simple that needs to be changed on the server, like you're missing a PHP module. Any hosting provider or server administrator will be able to easily supply you this error log entry which we can then help you decipher a way forward.
  6. If during the domain change you moved files, make sure that all images are present in the new storage. Once that is done, clear your system cache in ACP -> Support -> Clear System Caches. Please let us know if that does or doesn't help.
  7. Jim M


    You can require tags in the system as a whole and set a closed tag system but there is no way to require tags per forum/area or a prefix for that matter. You're more than welcome to provide this suggestion in our Feature Suggestion forum or I can move this topic for you. Please let me know.
  8. Could you please elaborate further on what the errors are which you are encountering? I'd hate to see you start over if it is something we can solve.
  9. Likely this would indicate that there is an issue it is encountering if it is just stopping and not progressing or background tasks are being ran by traffic and there is little traffic. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  10. Excellent. Glad to hear you found the issue here.
  11. Unless one of our amazing devs just fixed this, I am getting comments when selecting as such in a custom Activity Stream. As you can see with DawPi's comment below:
  12. Unread only utilizes "Items Only" (aka parent content) so would not indicate a reply/comment in the stream.
  13. Please be advised that advanced support is only available Monday - Friday. They will reply here as soon as they are available to do so.
  14. If there are ads on a page, the ad script is still called to request the ad from the server from your users who can view the page. If Guests do not have access to the page, the bot cannot gain access to see the page thus will throw the error you see.
  15. A -200 error here would be an error processing the upload on your server. You would want to check your server error logs to find out what this is. Common examples are below but, of course, not an exhaustive list of what could be impacting you: You're uploading an image which is larger than your PHP/server configuration allows. Your PHP/server memory limit is being hit when processing the image.
  16. I was able to successfully upgrade and apply the patch for you there. The files were being applied correctly but seems the transitioning was encountering an error. The upgrader, however, worked without issue.
  17. Is default formatting being used for both? Did they get converted from something other than text? When attempting to check this on your community, I am being met with a Too Many Connections error message from your MySQL server. Please let us know once it is back up.
  18. As mentioned in the quoted reply, there are no means to only show a theme to a guest so there would not be anything to fix, I'm afraid.
  19. As a courtesy, I have adjusted your license URL for you. Please update the email address on file for yourself to email you have access to as important messages are sent to it regarding your community. If you continue to see an invalid URL message in the ACP, please go to ACP -> System -> License Key -> Refresh License Key.
  20. Try clearing your cache in ACP -> System -> Support -> Clear System Caches. This is necessary after changing your URL.
  21. @Mariano Canteros, I replied to your ticket regarding your sub-domain. Please see the ticket for next steps. Thanks 🙂
  22. You can download a new .htaccess in ACP -> System -> Search Engine Optimization -> in the description of Rewrite URL, you will find instructions.
  23. Please keep in mind that the location where you place the custom advertisement location will need to be able to execute template code. A normal editor (WYSIWYG block) cannot execute template code. You will need a PHP block, theme template, etc... in order to do that. Hope that helps 🙂 .
  24. Yes, you would need to grab everything in your installation directory and move it to the root if you wish to have it there. You can read this guide which covers moving your installation to a different server, can ignore everything with a database as that would stay the same in this case: https://invisioncommunity.com/4guides/advanced-options/server-management/moving-to-another-server-server-transfer-r282/ Should just be the index.php file in your root.
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