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Jim M

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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by Jim M

  1. Yes, we do not manage or develop this application. It is a third party application. You would need to contact the author.
  2. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  3. Cache will rebuild occasionally by a system task so it can happen that it would happen that way but not in a manner which should exceed your S3 limits. Does each folder in your S3 bucket have appropriate permissions? Those appear to not be able to write there.
  4. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention! I can confirm this should be further reviewed and I have logged an internal bug report for our development team to investigate and address as necessary, in a future maintenance release.
  5. It looks like the Javascript is rebuilding as part of your theme or saving. Have you recently rebuilt your cache multiple times? If so you may have hit the Amazon S3 request limit. This looks to be a warning at this time rather than an error. Are you experiencing any issues?
  6. Please ensure that your background processes are functioning in ACP -> System -> Dashboard -> Background Processes. If they are running slowly, this may mean that you have limited traffic on your community may need to consider changing your background processes to run on Cron in ACP -> System -> Advanced Configuration. If you are running these via Cron, something is wrong with cron on your server so you will need to contact your hosting provider.
  7. Are there subcategories under these items? If so, the parent category would only show the files directly in that category, not any subcategories. If this is not the case, please ensure that all background tasks have finished from your conversion. You can check this by going to ACP -> System -> Dashboard -> Background Processes. If that still does not resolve your issue, please add access details in the Client Area and we can assist further.
  8. We would need to look further into this for you, however the access details on file appear to be incorrect or missing. Could you please update these details by visiting your client area, selecting the relevant purchase, then clicking "Review/Update Access Information" under the "Stored Access Information" section. We look forward to further assisting you.
  9. Likely this has been added in your Analytics area in ACP -> System -> Integrations -> Google Analytics. Alternatively, you may have added this in your theme. For more information on how to edit your theme, please go to:
  10. The query string of "lang" does not do anything in our software. The switching of languages on the community requires actually more behind the scenes which is facilitated by a form submit. If you have a third party plugin which has this present or anything else directing the crawler there, this is not intended and would need to be removed. However, there should be canonicals present to the core page which the crawler should honor. Here is a screenshot which illustrates that: If you are not seeing this you will want to double check and remove any customizations which you have performed.
  11. Billing information for it would indeed need to be present.
  12. For any changes in this feature, please make them in our official Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation so that your request does not get lost in our support forum. Currently, this is working as intended. Sorry I do not have better news for you at this time.
  13. The coloring which we described is the only current coloring available in the default software. If you would like to see this changed, you're welcome to provide your feedback in our Feature Suggestion forum for further evaluation. Otherwise, plugins or customizations which fall outside our scope of support would be required.
  14. Believe there may be confusion so I will try to clear this up. On Desktop when viewing a topic, you have both the display name and group name present. In this instance, only the group name would receive the color. On Mobile when viewing a topic, you only have display name so it would be colored. (if you have group present this would be a customization and not there by default so would be outside our scope of support) Therefore, what my colleague is describing is actually what you are describing and would be correct.
  15. Reset your license URL for you 🙂 . Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. If you are actually intending to install on localhost, please be sure to use your Test License key instead.
  16. Looks like an account credit was added in the Client Area to your account. Marketplace items cannot be purchased from account credit in the Client Area at this time. (The Client Area and Marketplace are actually separate systems) Someone from our accounts team will need to review and assist you here, I do see your ticket awaiting action. Someone will be with you as soon as they can. Please note that tickets submitted over weekend to certain departments would wait till normal business hours to be handled.
  17. Is this happening in Google Chrome? Are you able to provide a screenshot of the error? Have you contact your hosting provider to see if this is hosting related?
  18. Could you please elaborate or provide a screenshot of the error or why they are not working?
  19. You will want to delete the template cache files in the /uploads directory which start with: template_
  20. You're welcome to suggest this in our official Feature Suggestion forum. We are aware of this but not something we may be able to offer support for due to the complexities involved with that on the server end. I'm afraid, there really isn't any further information I can provide at this time.
  21. I have moved this to our feature suggestion forum as this would currently be intended.
  22. PHP 8.1 is not yet fully supported, please downgrade to PHP 8.0. You may also wish to disable zlib if you have an issues still.
  23. Please contact the author for assistance uninstalling their application. Ensuring all elements are uninstalled are key.
  24. Glad you were able to perform a reset. Sorry, tickets would only be able to be seen in your email inbox. Please ensure that the email address on file in the Client Area is up to date.
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