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Shawn Tierney

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Posts posted by Shawn Tierney

  1. My users really enjoy their awards, but one thing I would like to request is the ability to delete rewards without entering the ACP.

    We have a league which gives out awards based on the number of wins a user has, and while the league manager has permissions to award the new medals to his league's members, I have to remove the old awards in the ACP.

    If this is already in the code or is added please let me know and I'll renew!

  2. Good morning, just purchased and using on 4.1.10,

    Works in acp and in new 4.1.10 themes, but when I try to change an existing post to be authored by one of my linked accounts, everything looks to work but it does not change? Any thoughts on why it would let me choose a new author, but not change when I click edit topic?


    Thanks in advance,


    UPDATE: Posting a new post as a linked account seems to work great, so only issue is changing existing posts.

  3. I just upgraded to 4.1.10 and this block is no longer filtering based in the forums I choose, no matter what I seem to choose - any suggestions? I checked to see if it was updated but I already have 1.04...

    Tried disabling and enabling, as well as re-adding blocks. Default IPB blocks are filtering based on forums without issue so I'm confused :-(

  4. Good morning!

    First let me say I love this plugin!

    First Question:

    I recently created a group to allow certain people to award members, but they are finding they can only award members from the member profiles. If the try and award a member somewhere else the form doesn't complete load?

    iaward problem.png

    Am I doing something wrong? Note, it works fine if that same user goes to the members profile and awards it there?

    Second question:

    My footballers give each player 1 award representing how many championships they won, and when someone wins a new one they get a new award like "Won 7 Championships" and have removed the previous award like "Won 6 Championships"

    But I can't find a way to give the person handing the awards out permissions to remove awards outside of the ACP - do you think that could be added in a future update? (removing an award from a user without allowing ACP access?) I think it would be ok for that only to be available on the user's profile  - awards tab.

    Thanks as always,


  5. 14 hours ago, Morrigan said:

    We can look into seeing about adding an option for the future. Thanks!

    It would also be cool to if the awards box around the awards in the pane view could be turned off (I like it, but others would like to hide the box) 

    However the ability to center awards is definitely highest on our wish list :-)

    Thanks again!

  6. On 2/23/2016 at 10:46 AM, Morrigan said:

    They use the "fieldset" settings. Which means changing it will change other elements of your site as well. The item to overload is this:



    Thanks for the heads up!

    Would be nice if there was an option to center the awards in place of left justifying...

  7. I purchased and installed this mod and love it!!!

    However, as an IPB noob I need a little help finding the alignment and padding / spacing settings for two areas:

    - In the post view, pane area (under the user avatar) I want to center the medals (my medals are wide rectangles originally used with a vBulliten mod)


    - In the post view, the under sig award list's right side needs a little more padding to match the left


    Thanks in advance for any help finding where these settings are located!!!

  8. I purchased this mod and it's awesome!

    Only problem is, when a user chooses from the secondary groups made available, the mod removes him from any other secondary groups he belonged to :-(

    So lets say you allow your member to choose to join a Football, Racing, and Halo secondary group. When he chooses any or all of them, for some reason he is also removed from any other secondary groups he belongs to, like Moderator, Award Manager, Etc.

    I'm not sure why the code does this, as you would think it would only toggle on or off the groups you select, but unfortunately when any exposed group is selected or deselected and saved, the user is removed from all other secondary groups :-(

  9. 8 hours ago, newbie LAC said:



    Condition: hide block from users if they have selected groups as secondary. Right?


    Since all members are part of the same primary group "members", when they choose a secondary group like "Football" I want to hide my default "all forums" recent topics/posts block, even though their primary group allows viewing it.

    So the condition "hide block from users if they have selected groups as secondary" would be perfect, as I could make the default "all forums" block disappear when they join the Football, Racing, or other groups!

  10. Good afternoon newbie LAC,

    I just purchased, installed, and set up your block and I have to say it's awesome!

    I also ran into something that gave me an idea for feature addition: an option to deny viewing of a block to anyone belonging to certain groups.

    If this is something you would consider adding, if it makes it into the your block I'll send you a paypal donation of twice the current cost of the mod in appreciation of your hard work!

    The reason I've asked for this feature is that all my members are in the "members" primary group, and they all see a recent topics block pulling from all forums. Now, using your block and another add-on, when a member chooses a secondary group like Football, they also see another recent topics block with just Football topics! However, because they will always be in the primary "members" group, they do still see the original all topics block as well :-( That is, unless there was some way of denying anyone in the Football secondary group from viewing the all forums block, hence my feature request :-)

    Well thanks either way,

    Shawn Tierney

  11. 12 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

    I can add this in a couple of weeks.

    If you release a version that allows for selecting one or more "allowed" secondary groups I will definitely purchase it asap! Can be a completely different mod as I don't need the ability to choose a primary group.

    It would also nicely compliment the secondary group icons mod.


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