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Posts posted by Mariah.

  1. 38 minutes ago, Dean_ said:

    I completely forgot to add in my reply about purchasing Nexus as it’s named changed a few years back. So that would’ve helped you quicker. Sorry about that.

    It was also the weekend so replies from IPS are slower but expect a quicker reply now that it’s Monday.

    Hope you get it sorted out!

    No worries at all! But yeah, I purchased Nexus/Commerce and the upgrade was a success! Now I'm just trying to figure out this Twitter sign in situation which I detailed here, but thank you so much again.

  2. So I have the up to date software installed and I'm trying to set up social sign in via Twitter. I entered everything correctly in the admin panel I believe (entered the correct key and what not), but when I attempt to test to connect my Twitter and test the sign in, it says "Something went wrong. Please try again."

  3. 3 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    I would suggest that you back off the upgrade, revert back to your prior version and look at what you have and whether you need it.

    If that isn't an option, then you would need to remove Commerce as an application prior to upgrading - whether that can be done at the point you are at, I do not know. And it also comes down to whether you need Commerce too.

    If you can't go back, and are indeed stuck, then I would advice raising a ticket with IPS to ask them for their advice on the predicament you have ended up in.

    So for a more full story here: my host upgraded the PHP and as a result, the very old version of IPS that I had and was fine with for the time being was no longer compatible and it messed up the forum badly. I was running on version 3 of Invision since my former forum co-owner and I upgraded years ago. As I touched on earlier, she had disappeared with all the information needed to renew the license and upgrade to 4 and beyond, so I'm now stuck in a situation where to upgrade and make things functional again, I have to buy it all myself. So yeah, overall this is an absolutely must upgrade situation.

    As for your second point, I'm not able to access the admin panel at the point I'm at, so I don't think I can remove it as an application. The reason we had commerce the first go around was because at that point we raised the funds for the forum, so we figured might as well get everything. But it did turn out that that wasn't needed, which is why I didn't purchase it again this time around.

    I've had a support ticket with IPS for days now and still no response, so unless you don't recommend I purchase Commerce/Nexus (honestly, if I'm spending money on it, I'll make sure to use it this go around since I'm not a teenager acting on impulse like I was when I started this forum lol), maybe I should go ahead with it just to finish the upgrade? Or should I really just wait for IPS no matter how long they're primed to take?

  4. 23 minutes ago, Nathan Explosion said:

    One question...have you purchased the 'Commerce' application (used to be called 'nexus') when you did the following:

    "So I was forced to purchase the software all over again "

    because what you are being told there is that you have it on your site but the files are not for the version you are trying to upgrade to.....in other words they are not included in the package of files you have uploaded.

    Ohhhh that makes a lot of sense. No I did not purchase Commerce again. Am I forced to do so now that I'm stuck here?

  5. 9 hours ago, Dean_ said:

    It also looks like it’s asking you to run some SQL queries, if it does ask you during the upgrade, it’s advised to do them manually via PHPMyAdmin if you have access. If not you’ll have to run them from the browser.

    Another tip is that if you’re using cPanel, then I normally download the zip folder from Invision, exact the files and rezip them and use file manager to upload and uncompress/overwrite files as it’s far quicker than doing via FTP. (But that’s me)

    Thank you for your response! So I tried FlashFXP and then tried clearing my browser cache afterward, but I still get the following:


    I'm going to try your method, but what do you mean by exact the files?

  6. 13 hours ago, Ziv Grosu said:


    I would do it again and upload all files from starting. Invision always recommend to make a copy test that your live board will not down for some reason.

    Try to use FlashFXP program. By the way after upgrading clear cache and see if that still happens.

    Thank you! Trying this right now and I'll get back to you

  7. And the following appears after I believe to have transferred the files using FileZilla and was trying to enter admin CP


    How bad did I mess up....

    For backstory, I was forced to upgrade manually because my former forum co-owner disappeared years ago with the license, e-mails and what not, so I was forced to purchase the software all over again and I'm upgrading from really old software. I tried to google walk through and thought to find one, but I don't know what went wrong. Can someone please help me, I'm stressed out and just hoping I haven't lost all the forum posts and stuff like that.

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