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David..'s Achievements

  1. How do you plan on handling this if the status updates are removed from the database during the upgrade process?
  2. the user must have removed automatic renewals, but that shouldn't prevent them from manually renewing in the future.
  3. The user name is XNoneleftX
  4. is this a bug? why is there no "Renew Now" button on expired subscriptions. i'm only made aware of this now after a user messaged me.
  5. Good luck! let me know if you can reproduce based on your testing
  6. I figured it out and there seems to be a bug related to awarding points to the club owner when a user joins their club. seems to completely reset the points to 0 + club joined points.
  7. if you can see my email here, it's the same. otherwise i've sent it via pm!
  8. i recently modified the images of some of the ranks on my community and shortly after out of nowhere, my rank was reset to the beginning. i modified it back but it keeps resetting to 0. this is happening on my main admin account & possibly others. access information is up to date and i have not calculated ranks since the beginning.
  9. thank you @Nathan Explosion — that seems to have solved my issue! will do! thank you again!
  10. i agree but it's not being handled and this is on a 16 core & 32 threads AMD Epyc. i don't think this is a server issue.
  11. is there at least a way to disable that query from running entirely? my community keeps going down every few hours and it's getting stressful.
  12. @Marc @Stuart Silvester apologies for the annoyance, just informing you that the issue is still present and i would appreciate if someone were to look into it.
  13. ipb__core_member_bages has 4724341. seems like not a lot, but why would it hog server resources so much?
  14. | 64259882 | database-user | localhost | database-name | Execute | 4 | Sending data | /*database-name::database-user::IPS\core\Achievements\_Badge::getBadgeStats:235*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipb__core_member_badges` AS `core_member_badges` WHERE badge=43 | 64259927 | database-user | localhost | database-name | Execute | 1 | Sending data | /*database-name::database-user::IPS\core\Achievements\_Badge::getBadgeStats:235*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipb__core_member_badges` AS `core_member_badges` WHERE badge=32 | 64260279 | database-user | localhost | database-name | Execute | 0 | Sending data | /*database-name::database-user::IPS\core\Achievements\_Badge::getBadgeStats:235*/ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ipb__core_member_badges` AS `core_member_badges` WHERE badge=20 | 64261032 | database-user | localhost | database-name | Execute | 5 | Sending data | /*database-name::database-user::IPS\core\modules\front\members\_profile::badges:107*/ SELECT CEIL( 100 * COUNT( IF( achievements_points > 4, 1, NULL ) ) / COUNT(*) ) as percentage FROM `ipb__core_members` AS `core_members` WHERE achievements_points > 0 | 64261500 | database-user | localhost | database-name | Execute | 8 | Sending data | /*database-name::database-user::IPS\core\widgets\_achievements::render:826*/ SELECT * FROM `ipb__core_member_badges` AS `core_member_badges` LEFT JOIN `ipb__core_badges` AS `core_badges` ON core_member_badges.badge=core_badges.id WHERE ( core_member_badges.member NOT IN(SELECT member_id FROM `ipb__core_members` AS `core_members` WHERE temp_ban != 0 OR (`members_bitoptions` & 1 ) != 0) ) ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 5 | 64261501 | database-user | localhost | database-name | Execute | 8 | Sending data | /*database-name::database-user::IPS\core\widgets\_achievements::render:826*/ SELECT * FROM `ipb__core_member_badges` AS `core_member_badges` LEFT JOIN `ipb__core_badges` AS `core_badges` ON core_member_badges.badge=core_badges.id WHERE ( core_member_badges.member NOT IN(SELECT member_id FROM `ipb__core_members` AS `core_members` WHERE temp_ban != 0 OR (`members_bitoptions` & 1 ) != 0) ) ORDER BY datetime DESC LIMIT 5 i think these tables are just too big as even loading badges & ranks in ACP takes 77 & 90 seconds to load respectively and they increase database usage while they're loading. thank you!
  15. considering it may take days, this is not a feasible solution for us as it would render our community unusable..
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