Media Uploader (Support Topic)
Yah did that I think it’s an issue on our end with our database we use an old version of php and MySQL system tells us we should upgrade but says stuff will work fine . been needing to upgrade it and now seems as a good a time as any I guess . If the problem is still there after I’ll let ya know . thanks for the fast support .
Media Uploader (Support Topic)
Can’t atm but once the owners are around ill get you permission. if I can get you logs or whatever I’ll be happy to help any way I can .
Media Uploader (Support Topic)
But now it’s throwing a new error , it actually shows the files when I click the embed uploaded media button but when I click embed I to post it throws this . UnderflowException: (0) #0 /home/admin/web/srv1.xxxxxx.com/public_html/applications/mediauploader/modules/front/media/mymedia.php(425): IPS\Db\_Select->first() #1 /home/admin/web/srv1.xxxxxx.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(85): IPS\mediauploader\modules\front\media\_mymedia->createpost() #2 /home/admin/web/srv1.xxxxxxx.com/public_html/applications/mediauploader/modules/front/media/mymedia.php(26): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #3 /home/admin/web/srv1.xxxxxxxx.com/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(146): IPS\mediauploader\modules\front\media\_mymedia->execute() #4 /home/admin/web/srv1.xxxxxxxxxx.com/public_html/index.php(12): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #5 {main}
Media Uploader (Support Topic)
Upload works fine but the embed into topic button just says something went wrong when you click it . I don’t run your typical server i use php fpm and nginx and not sure what is causing this . tried on my test board and have the same results .
S3 Compatible Downloads
attachments,downloads and musicbox files none will download i moved to dreamhost until i can get it sorted. thanks for the help
S3 Compatible Downloads
this is exactley what im looking for but it does not seem to work i use s3for.me and its still messing up the urls *url its providing* http://rest.s3for.me/xxxxx.com/monthly_2017_10/59ef1ceb256b2_S3CompatibleDownloads1.xml.6eb52243c7570e0ed901a2d7adb20c20.xml?X-Amz-Expires=1200&response-content-disposition=attachment;%20filename*=UTF-8%27%27S3%2520Compatible%2520Downloads%25201.xml *url needed* http://rest.s3for.me/xxxxx.com/monthly_2017_10/59ef1ceb256b2_S3CompatibleDownloads1.xml.6eb52243c7570e0ed901a2d7adb20c20.xml?AWSAccessKeyId=F38875120BB8864941CEC54647DC1A87&Expires=1508929708&Signature=X9jnTXp7Em0wShFnavr1IFJEjDQ%3D not sure if it needs an update or if im in the wrong somehow . thanks
Media Uploader (Support Topic)
can this use s3 as storage and still play from it ? i use musicbox and have it doing exactly that but this would be a great addition to my community if it can .
W4L reacted to a blog entry: Update on Invision Community 4.2
Profile Songs
Hi I uploaded a whole concert using this app Is there a way to limit upload file size or am I not seeing it? Thanks a bunch Great app
Videos Support
I have been having problems with submitting Videos since the upgrade also
Change UTF8 to UTF8MB4
no it does it during the upgrade for u i just upgraded from 3.4.9 to 4.1 and had a table crash , had to repair it but all went smooth with the upgrade .
is there any way to set a view limit for guests ? or is there another plugin that can do it ? need an option or i will have to lock them out completley
can i make it so images are uploaded from url aswell as upload from comp?
just want to say this app is amazing , far more than i expected ty @onlyME
that worked great ty
- Videobox