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  1. Then send grunts to do it, both 2 and 3. That's what I've been doing, I guess this will do, thanks!
  2. There are no tags in the forums I want that have 0 in the prefix column Thoughts? I recached several times, and ran your "db fix" already.
  3. Is it possible to add mass replace tags with prefixes? I bought it, but some prefixes weren't restored (I upgraded to IPB4), so I was just wondering before I spawn a couple grunts to go out and do it manually one by one (though that's over 10k topics ). There isn't anything in common with each post inside, nor the title, just the tag.
  4. https://docs.moodle.org/23/en/Converting_your_MySQL_database_to_UTF8 This explains it in full, I used the commands needed from here, then you have to make sure to change all instances of the current charset to UTF8 with something like vim or nano. After that, reimport the dumped DB, and try running the upgrader again, and it shouldn't ask you to convert anymore. Your forum will go down with this change though, so I recommend that you make proper notices when doing so. This honestly can be done for any charset of any kind, and if the converter is doing weird stuff from the beginning, I suggest you ditch it and use this instead.
  5. Could you? I relied on another one when for 3.4, but nothing like it (that has ajax refresh) is in the marketplace now. Willing to pay the benjis for it.
  6. Just a heads up, I got the upgrade to work! I needed to convert the char. set via mysql dump instead, the current converter doesn't work at all.
  7. Well, my issue has to do with the starting character set, which is latin swedish (idk why it's set as that, but it is), and I think the main issue is converting from particular char. sets to another. If the board at origin has one that has been test with the converter prior to it's release, it will be fine. I don't think IPS did so with mine, therefore the issues can be fixed and they can debug what's breaking the password column in the members table. IPS support is looking into it, but unfortunately, I won't be able to upgrade my board till this is resolved.
  8. It was automatically converted by the included converter inside the IPB4 upgrader. Pretty sure it was UTF8, not UTF8m4 but I might be wrong, as your explanation seems about right. But regardless, it's something IPB should take care of.
  9. I upgraded my tables to UTF8 and when I tried logging in with my existing admin account to continue the upgrade, it doesn't work.
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