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  1. KiwiGym started following Gilly
  2. @TheJackal84 have you found the issue with not being able to edit cost of files? It's been three weeks.
  3. Fierce God started following Gilly
  4. Any update on why file point costs are not saving?
  5. Could you add a check for notifications to see if a file has been approved or not? My site approves files from some users we allow to upload files and it sends a fortification to our Discord server before we approve it. Also, could you make the notifications check to see if a file has been updated too? Right now it only posts if it's a new file.
  6. Thanks a lot!
  7. For some reason, I can’t set a point cost for my file upload anymore. I can’t set a price when uploading or set a price when editing the file. I can mass add points though but that’s it.
  8. I just need an option to set a default price on Downloads when somebody submits a new file. I wont be giving anyone beside the moderators the ability to change or set the price.
  9. Do you mind creating an FURL for the user settings page for the app?
  10. Hey I'm back trying to get an update if you plan on making default points for Downloads.
  11. Do you plan on putting default points on "Downloads"?
  12. For CJ Duplicate Logger, would you consider incorporating the already built-into IPS device check on members? I have a lot of users who have been IP banned (thanks to this app) who are coming back with a different IP, but on the same device. IPS ALREADY logs if a device has been used by more than one member: It's cheap to get a new IP, but it's not cheap to get a new device. A device check would make this application utterly complete. Please consider. Thanks!
  13. When adding a product it says I do not have permissions
  14. May I get your email to move this to a private message please.
  15. IT seemed fine before, but when I installed your application it was giving error 500.
  16. Looks like it was due to this application: "ThreadStarter: Movies". But you are more than welcome to see if you can fix it for someone else in the near future who gets this application. Let me know @TheJackal84
  17. I have tried to clear cache on the website end. I have looked at the logs and I have not seen any error message from your application. Let me try to disable all the application and see if that helps. Give me 5 minutes and I'll get back to you.