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Timothy Vinckier

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Posts posted by Timothy Vinckier

  1. 13 hours ago, Ryan H. said:

    At this point I have no idea what that will involve (or why it wouldn't already be covered). I'll have to investigate.

    Per other responses: mostly.

    I'm sorry, I don't understand your problem. Could you explain further?

    Sorry for being unclear.

    The printscreen is from the settings from a category from my articles (in pages).

    So it is preconfigured to have a prefix.
    But when i create an article, there is no prefix, not on the article and also not on the copy in the forum (articles are copied to the forum also)

  2. Hey, 

    Is it possible that this function is not working?
    These are settings from Tags & Prefixes for a category under Pages.


    But there is never a prefix :( not on the page item, nor on the copy on the forum.
    Is this an issue of this module, of a main ipb thing?

  3. I do not maintain that module. I can say however that the standard unread indicators all work in the stock templates shipped with the collab app. Maybe you can compare differences and edit the templates used in your other module.

    The reaction of the maintainer of that module was:

    "Hmm well... I don't know how that application is coded nor which templates is using. You'd have to modify the template used by the application to display that page."

  4. I could add a category override setting for that. But beware that it will affect other features such as the settings on forums to require a certain amount of posts to create a topic, etc. That feature will become useless to collab owners.

    This would be nice. We don't use the feature of certain amoun posts so this would be no problem if you implement this feature.

    I do not maintain that module. I can say however that the standard unread indicators all work in the stock templates shipped with the collab app. Maybe you can compare differences and edit the templates used in your other module.

    Could you gave an indication on what templates i have to look for this?


    The second part is just a matter of practicality. Its going to cause big performance hits if every content item of every container of every app of every collab in every collab category is queried to find the latest post (with permissions) on every page load. I had to draw a line in the sand at the collab level resolution of latest post querying (with permission).

    Ok I can understand that. But a feature to integrate the pages more in to the forum would be nice. (and positioning them where you want)


    I'll have a look at the calendar issue you described.


  5. @Kevin Carwile

    There are still some minior points thats keeps annoying my community members. (and myself)

    For a starter, it would be nice to have no separate postcount. Just the postcount from the total site. (i know you can count them together, but in the group they only show you the post in that group, and mostly.. they are wrong. (i posted already 4 posts in a group and i shows 0 posts) (even after recounting in the admin menu)

    Also its not that visible when their are new post and when not. I use the 'Unread' module and its not fully working with GC.
    Look at screens:

    This is the mainpage:


    There are new posts, but its very hard to see where. When i press on 'Season 9' above league info i got this:


    This is what it should be on the main page to.

    Possible to fix this?


    Also its not so easy to implement the groups in to the main forum. You can add a 'link' to a GC then you have something like this:



    The first red box is a link to the group itself. Whats wrong here is that the avatar you see is NOT from the person who replied last.
    The second red box is a link to a GC list (category) Here you just can see how many leagues there are and whats the last edited league, but NOT whats the last post. (which should be more handfull).

    There is also a bug in the calender system. If you create a calender, and you go to the calender screen and use add event like this:


    You get back to the calender of the main forums and not the GC. You must press the create event button.


    Is it possible to have a look at these bugs/ changes? I would gave you my full coöperation for this.


    Thnx in advance

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