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Everything posted by NZyan

  1. OK, I'm getting closer... The problem is the From-line. Here the Invite System uses the email address of the inviting member, not the sending address of the board. And this is where Sparkpost stops the mail with „Unconfigured Sending Domain“ Hmmm....
  2. Really strange. Mails from IPBoard and invite system are almost 100% identical but invite mails are rejected. Not clear if by IPBoard or Sparkpost. Will check
  3. Wow, you are really quick I'm still about to figure out at which level this message is triggered. Invalid domain refers to the sender domain? I tried it with different recipient domains. Forum domain and sender domain match. The strange thing: All mails including the IPBoard test mail go out without problems, it's only the invitations. Will try to find out more...
  4. I have to bring up this issue again. I'm using Sparkpost to send out mails. Invitation mails are not sent out with a „invalid domain“ error message - with all kind of different domains. As soon as I switch to PHP it works again... Any idea? Andreas
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