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Cool Surfer

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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Cool Surfer

  1. If its possible to upload files via ftp and make them available for download, something like yahoo photo upload.

    Just like we upload now single files n then click to upload another, n download counter

    if there is an ftp option n then these files are visible in post. ...

  2. If during creating a poll question, we have the option to hide the reply while creating the post, such that it remains invisible
    till the user posts his reply, it could serve lots of purpose' We can then have mcq questions/polls.

  3. Attachment upload Java script alert - when you forget to click upload and hit post new topic, you get a java script alert saying click ok to continue without uploading the pic, if its the other way around that clicking - post new topic will upload the pic also. Like gmail.

  4. There are some important and interesting topics that the admin might want to emaill all members about.
    If there is an option in moderator options like

    after posting pin it, close it , Email to all Members it would be good. You wont have to compose a bulk mail each time.

  5. It would be great if there is this new feature in version 3.0 .

    Under tools and settings > option something like this

    Enter keywords for your forum , so that spiders can index the forus better.

    It would also get invision many more happy users :)

  6. Is it possible to create 10 polls /mcqs and let user choose the answer and when he clicks ok, he be shoun the correct answer and then taken to the next poll.

    It can be useful for exam related forums.

  7. Insteat of

    Post New Topic > Post This Topic or Submit

    seems more understandable,

    even in admin cp, instead of

    Create New RSS Import Stream > Submit This RSS Stream

    New RSS Import Stream, sounds like as if its talking about not this rss stream. :unsure:

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