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Everything posted by Clover13

  1. I'm an admin and I got invited to a PM (email notification received), yet when I click the link to view the message I get Sorry! We could not locate the item you are trying to view. I also have no message in my PM inbox for the one I was added. Pretty weird, any ideas?
  2. The scope of Development Mode below. So if it works in Development Mode, that should narrow it down to one of those things that is suspended? Possible there is corrupt JS in the cache? Have you tried clearing entire cache for the site on CF? https://developers.cloudflare.com/cache/reference/development-mode/ Development Mode Development Mode temporarily suspends Cloudflare’s edge caching, minification, Polish, and Railgun (deprecated) features for three hours unless disabled beforehand. Development Mode allows customers to immediately observe changes to their cacheable content like images, CSS, or JavaScript.
  3. Same for me, Rocket Loader was a problem and I disabled it.
  4. Curious what exactly you are trying to do with #2 and why you may feel this is an IPS sided issue? I would imagine you are using the Fetch API to make HTTP calls to the IPS REST API to CRUD IPS relative data. How and what you use to manage the presentation of that data and make calls to the REST API is in your control. #2 is outside the scope of IPS entirely and based on #1 I would think you are only using IPS for it's backend impl and leveraging it's API to CRUD data within it from your frontend stack of choice.
  5. Not sure why, but started to get emails on a configuration issue regarding a Configuration Issue Detected Email body says: A configuration issue has been detected on your community which requires your attention. Locked Task: sitemapgenerator One of the routine maintenance tasks which run in the background has failed several times, which may indicate a configuration issue. When I check the site logs for the task it only shows successful runs. I also have no notifications indicating a problem, so it seems like it probably resolved itself on the next run however this error email comes out pretty much every night. How do I track down what's happening here, as the IPS AdminCP doesn't seem to show any error or I'm not looking in the right place (nothing in System Logs, Errors Logs, or Task Log). Also worth noting, I have another site running on the same IP/host and it does not get this error.
  6. If a tmp file exists, it means the upload failed. Cleanup helps reducing impact to other uploads that would otherwise succeed if those tmp files wouldn't exist however. Ultimately, we don't want any failures, so it's about trying to figure out what exactly is required for these file uploads. FWIW, some of this is related to the ImageMagick policy defined, looking at my server resource limits for it, I see the following which seems quite large, but also tells me that a 20MB image in this case exceeds the 64GB max memory required and goes to disk and that one file eventually fills up the quota. I'm not exactly sure what the cap is however, but increasing it to 100GB with about 90GB free has thus far eliminated these issues. 20GB of additional free space was insufficient. Resource limits: Width: 1.1529215EP Height: 1.1529215EP List length: unlimited Area: 265.58GP Memory: 61.8342GiB Map: 123.668GiB Disk: unlimited File: 786432 Thread: 24 Throttle: 0 Time: unlimited
  7. Yes, that is what happened. The question is why. 20GB of free space available, 20MB file upload and it runs out of space? Thanks Ryan! Yeah, that's how I understood it. Once memory runs out, it goes to disk. Just mind blowing the amount of space, but I know image processing is intensive, just wasn't thinking that intensive. Good idea to contact them, will look into that.
  8. It's part of the home directory for the site, but it's possible that specific tmp directory could be partitioned on its own. However adjusting disk quota in WHM does alleviate the problem, so that leads me to believe it isn't partitioned separately or in a limited way but is tied to the disk quota defined in WHM. I guess what's odd is the shear size of what's required to run these images through Imagemagick. The member sent me a sample file that failed and it was 20MB, but the temp file remaining after the upload failure is 2.3GB and unclear how much space Imagemagick took up on disk before it failed, but I'm assuming upwards of 20GB+ for a single upload/conversion to hit a failure point since that much space was available at the time of failure. Since increasing the disk quota in WHM and cleaning up the tmp files, the uploads have worked fine, but I shouldn't need 100GB+ of headroom to upload a 20MB file, so something is definitely wonky.
  9. Members are running into upload failures in some cases, not sure why this is happening as there is quite a bit of disk space quota available (40GB) at the time of these failures. Files are being left behind (2.3GB each on avg) because of the failures and eventually completely capping the disk space quota. Would a single image take up to 40GB of free disk space when it can't do it all in memory? ImagickException::445 unable to write pixel cache '/tmp/magick-ZvfCYR5vTGWaIyfii_ZaZEePhJOiAI69': Disk quota exceeded @ error/cache.c/WritePixelCachePixels/5852 #0 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Image/Imagemagick.php(237): Imagick->rotateImage() #1 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Image/Image.php(169): IPS\Image\_Imagemagick->rotate() #2 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/File/File.php(326): IPS\_Image::create() #3 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/File/File.php(436): IPS\_File::create() #4 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Helpers/Form/Upload.php(755): IPS\_File::createFromUploads() #5 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Helpers/Form/Upload.php(309): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Upload->processUploads() #6 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/init.php(931) : eval()'d code(17): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Upload->__construct() #7 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Helpers/Form/Editor.php(766): IPS\Helpers\Form\hook607->__construct() #8 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Helpers/Form/Editor.php(185): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Editor->getUploader() #9 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Content/Item.php(5092): IPS\Helpers\Form\_Editor->__construct() #10 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Content/Item.php(4769): IPS\Content\_Item->commentFormElements() #11 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/uploads/template_cache/template_2_7a734b11232065691bc1176040cb26ad_topics.php(5425): IPS\Content\_Item->commentForm() #12 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Theme/SandboxedTemplate.php(61): IPS\Theme\Cache\class_forums_front_topics->topic() #13 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(611): IPS\Theme\_SandboxedTemplate->__call() #14 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Controller.php(118): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->manage() #15 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Content/Controller.php(50): IPS\Dispatcher\_Controller->execute() #16 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/applications/forums/modules/front/forums/topic.php(39): IPS\Content\_Controller->execute() #17 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/init.php(931) : eval()'d code(15): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\_topic->execute() #18 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/init.php(931) : eval()'d code(21): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\ignoretopics_hook_topicController->execute() #19 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/init.php(931) : eval()'d code(21): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\raffles_hook_loadCss->execute() #20 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/system/Dispatcher/Dispatcher.php(153): IPS\forums\modules\front\forums\tthumb_hook_forums_module_topic->execute() #21 /home/xxxxxxxxxxxx/public_html/index.php(13): IPS\_Dispatcher->run() #22 {main}
  10. It's an option, but in my case, the one member wanted to retain the original conversation up until the point where he blocked the other member so that he had evidence of the situation. I guess he could have screenshot it all to have the same and then left it. And yeah I'd imagine leaving it would be a way to achieve the effect desired.
  11. Well I think a person would want to see the replies initially but in the event they feel the need to block someone, at that point they no longer want to receive any additional messages. Ultimately, this particular instance became so problematic, I had to ban both members. Granted, their conflict was bad content but I'm losing good content they post as well as a result.
  12. Using CF with WAF rules blocking known spamming countries helped knock a ton of spam out for me. Depends your audience, mine is US only so this was an acceptable approach.
  13. Got ya, yeah I had no idea how that check worked or if developers reviewed and approved every bug/patch release to pass that check. The upgrade check (assuming developer has implemented it) should also pull in changes once you've upgraded but you'd only know that after you upgrade and something potentially broke. So I guess it's always a matter of how much you're willing to risk with third party apps working and the amount of effort you feel you need to put into verifying it before doing a live site upgrade.
  14. So as some of you have upgraded to the latest version of IPS v4.7.14 with Marketplace removed, what is your workflow for the upgrade now that the upgrade itself no longer verifies third party apps/plugins are approved for the target IPS version by the developer? Running a TESTINSTALL website and upgrading everything then manually spot checking everything before upgrading any official sites (good practice BTW) Going to N developer sites and verifying each of your apps/plugins is marked as compatible, noting some just say 4.7+? It was certainly always helpful to get a comprehensive preview of what was identified as version approved by devs during an upgrade. Not sure how this exactly worked, but that part is missing now.
  15. Realizing this may be due to the IPS file system being externalized from the Docker container. I need to revisit adding the IPS file system as part of the Docker build so it is entirely self contained and internalized. I'm missing something in the setup there. Never the less, it is a "a way" to connect the IPS install to the MariaDB container.
  16. Figured it out. Once your Docker containers are up and running, run the following command from terminal: docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' WHATEVER_YOUR_MARIADB_CONTAINER_NAME_IS This will return an IP address that you can then use in the Host form field of the IPS installation Server Details section in the screenshot I originally posted. Then proceed with the rest of the install.
  17. Just adding to this, "Remember My Filters" on the listing page doesn't seem to be uncheckable unless you click the "Clear Filters" in the filter dialog below the Add Record button. A re-save of it unchecked restores it as checked still. The "Save" of a filters with "Remember My Filters" unchecked seems to only filter on filter properties that have either been defaulted by the field config in the database OR by user action (i.e. selecting values). However if you check "Remember My Filters", it suddenly considers and uses all filter properties. If they have not been defaulted or user acted upon, they are considered unselected/empty and therefore no results show (if they are required form properties that always have a value).
  18. OK, same error with underscore notation for the database name.
  19. Trying to set up Docker locally with IPS, I have a container running with Apache, PHP, and MariaDB. The IPS4 pre-check is all green, and I am stepping through the installation but running into an issue with the Server Details and an error of "No such file or directory". Not sure what else needs to be done, but hopefully someone else has run into this before. I can connect to the database OK and run a sample query via VSCode SQLTools.
  20. As I was just reading your blog on Theme Tools and the part where you said "the short version is that the CSS framework has been completely rewritten from scratch with a new approach to how CSS classes interact with page elements.", I was wondering this exact thing. I'll have to wait to see the deeper level details of the CSS framework to better understand once they become available! Thanks Matt!
  21. Not just the selector or element class being targeted, but what are applicable CSS properties IPS may already have defined that can be used in those areas. An IPS CSS Guide so to speak. There are a lot of IPS defined CSS classes to control formatting, so I was just thinking along the lines of bubbling that up into the editor in some way (i.e. things like ipsType_normal, ipsType_bold, etc) versus a site owner creating new (and potentially duplicate/excessive CSS). So it's both about exposing available CSS to use in target areas and then also applying them to the desired target elements for that theme (in the use case presented in the video, the option to use IPS CSS property XYZ and the ability to apply that all buttons or just to that singular target button). The overarching goal is higher reuse of existing code and global/uniform application of that customization across the suite so look and feel remain consistent. Not every IPS natively defined CSS property will be available as a UI feature, so having some editor level exposure and reuse of those natively available CSS properties is highly beneficial (at least in my eyes).
  22. Wow! This is honestly, in a word...incredible! Exceptionally well done @Ehren, feature rich and superb UX! One of the biggest enhancements I can see being added is some level of quick linking or hover effect to expose the available CSS properties for a given component (button, header, etc) within the theme editor. In your example, maybe when you hover the button you converted to upper case, fill the CSS editor box with the available properties or maybe a modal showing the documentation of available properties. That is one of the biggest hurdles I have with theme editing, in that I often have to find examples of what I want to do in the suite or come up with my own CSS properties to achieve the effect (potentially adding unnecessary code vs reusing what may be available but is unknown). Overall this has truly elevated the ability for site owners to control their themes in a magnificent way, seriously raising the bar of what this suite offers to a new level! Very well done! 👍
  23. Seems the setting only works for new PMs, not for existing ones which can still be replied to by a blocked member. Should be both, as often times someone is blocked after the blocking member receives PMs they didn't want or the conversation escalated to wanting to block the other member. Interestingly if I delete the original PM (created before the member was blocked), and they subsequently use that PM in their mailbox to reply back, it won't show an error but it also won't be received by the member blocking them. No idea where it goes or what happens there, but it should show an error to the sender similar to them creating a new PM to a member that has blocked them. Also I don't think it's a good approach to force the blocking member to delete the original PM with the blocked member as often times it contains evidence of the issues between them that an admin may need to see or the blocking member may wish to share.
  24. Is there a way to embed and overarching parent Google Map into a Pages page with all the Pages Address field entries from a given Pages database?
  25. Looks like you are using CF on your site, and you're capped at 100MB unless you are on a Business+ plan. Look under Network >> Maximum Upload Size in CF for your site.