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Posts posted by beeurd

  1. Apologies for the double-post, but just to update the situation I have been able to roll back to before I made any changes, so the Friendly URLs are now only broken for Clubs and Blogs (which I had disabled prior to the above issue). Links to club forum posts work, and the list of Clubs works, but when you try to go the the homepage of an individual Club I get the not found error mentioned above. Still can't track down what could have caused this issue in the first place though, as I have no idea how long it has been broken for. 🤔

  2. Hi, not sure if anybody can advise, but I noticed that the Friendly URLs for the clubs section weren't working, so I ran the support troubleshooter and then suddenly none of the Friendly URLs for the clubs, forum (aside from the main forum index), calendar, or profiles sections of the suite are working. The Friendly URLs for Pages databases (Pages is the default app) are working fine.

    I have checked my .htaccess and even tried resetting it with a clean copy with only the IPS rules, and I have also tried disabling Friendly URLs and checking in the advance configuration to make sure that the Friendly URLs and Real URLs correspond to the right things. With friendly URLs turned off the pages load fine, but with them turned on I get "Sorry, there is a problem / The page you requested does not exist / Error code: 1S160/2" errors.

    And typically, the automated backups on my hosting appear to be broken so I can't roll back to a reasonable restore point.

    Any suggestions?

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