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  1. @Daniel F are the steps easy to install? I'm not a coder so any help in a step by step way would be AWESOME.
  2. Kind of defeats the purpose to use this if you cannot refresh a thread you're in via the standalone app. The browser mode works, but then is it really an app and it opens a new tab every time you click on a new notification. Would love for this to be an enhancement request to have a refresh button in Standalone mode.
  3. I guess my account needs to be refreshed or something then, because I only see these options under the "Get Support" option in the Client Area.
  4. Hi Charles it doesn't happen for long, sometimes just 1 minute, sometimes 3-4 minutes it's down with the same 504 errors. It happens enough for it to be a problem and I'm just asking if the root cause can be looked into. My plan currently does not have email support, I'm directed to post any issues here on the forum. This is happening with more regularity over the past 4-6 weeks than ever before, which is the reason I'm bringing it to your attention. Thank you!
  5. Hi @Marc Stridgen site is down with 504 errors again.
  6. No it happened last night for about 4-5 minutes then came back on. Any reason for the influx in the 504 errors? I haven't seen this many occurrences in a month span ever since moving over to your cloud solution a few years back.
  7. Hi @Mark H where can I open a ticket at? In my client area it shows this:
  8. I logged into GoDaddy where I've purchased my domain years ago, I went to update the DNS values but it says to contact Invision Power Inc. to do that. Where can I go to do that, or to have someone from your side add the two values? -Chuck
  9. Happened again tonight. Even this forum was down with Gateway errors.
  10. Hi everyone, this issue is back again. Can we see about fixing this for good? I've seen this happen more recently than ever before, which is concerning. Looks like the root issue causing this has yet to be resolved. While it doesn't last terribly long (anywhere from 1-5 minutes), all it takes is one new visitor to see that and not want to come back since we're not stable.
  11. Hi @Jim M I'm getting the same errors again. Can't load the website and today is a busy day with big news for the Angels, so this is quite frustrating.