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Aleksander Lyse

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  1. I tried with everything - this is a non modified version of your theme that its happening on, not the original toolbar (the grey one) - Only happens on 4k screens with "zoom" - tried on two different computers. Natively 4k works, but of course thats impossible to use. I added screenshots of different resolutions below. The names represent 4k how many percent zoom, the ones with 1080 show 1080 with how much zoom.
  2. Did you ever manage to fix the fault in how the toolbar in the reply box is not showing correctly when using a 4k display in scaled mode?
  3. Great! I tried it on two computers now and it confirms with chrome and edge. If I put it to 1080 or less scaling it renders fine. Strange issue.
  4. Strange I use Google Chrome Version 64.0.3282.140 (Official Build) (64-bit) I found what it is. Windows scaling. I have a 4k display on 225% scaling. That makes it look like that.
  5. Strange. I tried with no plugins and no apps and still an issue. would you be so kind and check saltvannsforum.no and see if you can see anything obvious?
  6. No. Everything is original, and in the settings on your theme the default theme is selected on the editor settings.
  7. When trying to activate the toolbar, the colors are not correct. Everything is default and latest version. Any idea why its not showing correctly?
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