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Posts posted by Jaggi

  1. Whilst you're right that it should be looked into (and I'm sure it will be), it's a little naive to make judgements about what is a lot for "any server", without any knowledge or context.

    Our database servers regularly handle well over 1,000 queries a second each, without even a hint of struggling. :)

    maybe but i've never in my entire programming life had a page that runs 75 db queries (cept for db updating scripts/cronjobs, but speaking pages accesible by webserver). The thought of having that many just gives me chills and would keep me up at night.

    to put that into context if you website had about 100 users online all running 75 queries each = 7500, i think for any webserver thats quite a few. Might not bring it down but enough to make you worry. (oh ipb has summit like 600 online atm).
  2. just looked at this and you seem right, looking at the queries it seems to run this query again and again:

    SELECT * FROM ibf_skin_cache WHERE cache_set_id=1 AND cache_value_1='skin_1'

    looks like some of the code needs to be refactored as it seems to be caught in a loop somewhere. 75 queries is alot on any server even if they are cached. It should probably be looked into.

  3. I wouldn't be against adding a setting to report manager that if something is flagged x times it goes into mod queue. I wouldn't want it at 1 (some people could report something for no reason, or just because they dislike the member, or don't know what they are doing), but maybe 2 or 3 (admin-configurable is best option).

  4. it kinda makes sense i'm not sure if this is a feature at the moment but would be cool to have a feature where if a post/topic is reported it is automatically hidden etc. Another thing i was thinking about was that if a topic/post were to drop below a certain amount on reputation points it could go through a similar process.

  5. nexus was great and the ticketing system was probably one of the best i've used/seen even though it was in its infancy. From a corporate point of view i can see that supporting something link nexus which is a new product line not an extension to an existing one would be very very resource intensive. Remember at the moment they have ipb3, blog/gallery/downloads upgrades, ip.content, ip.chat all bubbling and site updates like resources going on.

  6. i'm not for removing any of the options as i like having what we have now your idea is valid though and i agree with bfarber a new icon would make it more confusing it. maybe link the topic icon on the left? its a bit of an awkward one.

  7. I can't see IPS being interested in this. This is more suitable for a third party hook. There's a scrolling recent topic hook available an I tried it out. I found it very hard on the eyes.

    Jaggi - re monitor size. I run a CG graphics site. Virtually all of members are running reasonable sized monitors i.e. 1280 or more.


    yea your a graphics site, alot of people know about resolution and up theirs, i myself never use 1024 on any of my monitors but according to stats off the big sites include w3c alot of people still using 1024, don't think its time to ditch it yet, maybe not for a while either.

  8. I can only say, the guide is just my fun project (time permitting) and surely I can't cover everything.

    However any suggestion will be considered and if the time allows, I'll expand my guide.

    Thanks for the suggestion :)

    yea its a great guide and was just a suggestion not a critism ;).

  9. I covered logo and categories/topic buttons, so I'm not sure what other images are left out, unless you're talking about buttons like "Add reply", "Start new topic" etc...

    yes thats what i meant, people don't necessarily know where they are/how to change them and what they're called in the images directory, i'm even sure people don't know where they are in the forum files.

  10. I'm really glad, I've been of some help :)

    This should be done in couple more days.

    I need to edit a whole thread, first, so there is one post for every section.

    Could you be more specific. What exact images?

    by images i meant a guide outlining all the images used on the board and how to replace them. Its a important part of the skinning process.

  11. Awe :cry: no one likes my resources area and I made it myself with tables and everything.

    Rikki is going to clean it up and make it look good soon :)

    no comment, you know how bad you broke it :P.

  12. True - but not as good as a window with no header/footer etc. ;)

    Could also do with a collapsible Online Chat Users

    When we had a chat room before - our biggest request/complaint was that people could not run it in a narrow floating window.

    Would happily pay for this in the enhanced version.

    that is just basically the shoutbox then, i think ips want to keep these two things seperate in their true form.

    I'm suprised the chat isn't in flash. Are you guys using ajax or a comet form of communication? The reason why I ask is because ajax is highly ineficient for a chat service. It requires you to poll constantly with the server to get replies. Multiply that by all the users connected, and you have a bunch of connections opening and closing. The "comet" method, which I'm not entirely sure how to implement, keeps a persistent connection between the browser and the server. It's like downloading a file forever in a stream, but reading the data as it comes in. When you want to send a message, you just use ajax. In this situation there are only two connections made at one time rather than polling ever second or so. Meeboo does this method quite well.

    i would kinda agree with you there as it does do alot of requests. i'm not too sure about the comet technology or how easy it is to implement but might be worth a look.

  13. I think if anyone is using a 800x600 res monitor still then they need to upgrade. I do my site assuming that the minimum width is 1280. It used to be 1024 but most monitors are at least 1280 wide these days.


    i think you'll find that most still use 1024 resolution though.

    i don't create sites for 800x600 anymore, not done it for a while now.
  14. Just writing some mods at the moment and come across a issue where'd i'd like to add some stuff to run at a top level when ipb is initialised. After bugging bfarber and looking around i see theres no real way to do this. So this is a request for a top level hook that we could add code to be initialised when the registry/controller is. Reason being we might want to setup some class to be part of ipb, do some includes and doing it in every little hook is a waste of time and not very OOP. It would need to be before any application is initialised (forums/members/blogs/mods) for it to be of use.

    thanks and anyone got anything to add please do.

  15. No, it's not comparable to the Shoutbox, the Shoutbox will still be actively developed as they are two different products.

    not to mention the shoutbox is free whereas the chat will have limitations and pricings, the shoutbox has no such thing.
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