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Everything posted by filmix

  1. Our community needed an upgrade from 3.3.4 to 4.6.12. First we tried the upgrade ourselves but it was unsuccessful -- there are almost 10 years between those versions. Looking at the roster of third party developers we saw that Ahmed had experience with legacy upgrades from much older versions, with excellent reviews. We hired him, and his work was detailed and efficient, and he was there after the upgrade was complete if we needed any help or answers to questions. Highly recommended.
  2. No problem, we'll adjust. Use multi-quote where needed. Funny thing, the new software displays the nested quotes from before the upgrade with no problem. Except for the 10+ quotes on the mobile version. That's a jumbled mess.
  3. This question is still up for grabs. Thanks to all for the help so far with other matters!
  4. Thanks very much Marc! We made the troublesome 'voters' column NULL and that fixed that functionality. There are still some dirty queries being made from residual V.3 functions that we can view in the ACP logs. No big deal. On the server we changed the MySQL BINLOG settings and sizes are completely manageable now. Great diagnostic work Sir.
  5. Marc, we're going to close the board just to keep the storage from ballooning. If you need to toggle the board on/off to look at anything feel free to do so.
  6. Info updated. Sorry, an old habit from the old board.
  7. Ok Marc, access info is updated. Thanks in advance for your help. One important consideration here, the board seems to be generating temp files that are not viewable with MySQL/PHPMyAdmin, as if the usage doesn't show up as part of a database.
  8. Update. We deleted the whole database and installed a prior backup, the one from just before we reopened after the big upgrade. We lost that first day's posts after the upgrade. Last night we got everything set up again, took a snapshot of the disk on the server, backed up the database, and opened the board. The disk usage on the server was a very manageable 36% (out of 80GB), the snapshot was 30GB. The disk storage started rising again as soon as we opened, and it rose to 48% in just five hours. So, we still have a leak. We closed access the board overnight and the storage flattened out. We reopened this morning and it's rising again. Marc, updating our access details sounds like a plan. I'll let you know when that's done.
  9. That log is not disabled, but it's set to prune after 30 days, and it looks like 99% of the error log entries are for this: 2000 You are not allowed to visit this community. Ad bots are generating those. I have several IP blocks from known ad spammers banned, and they're trying to get into threads and not succeeding. 23382 pages of error logs going back a month.
  10. We still have to install phpMyAdmin, but I will check out those log settings for now.
  11. Made an important edit in the first post about content uploading.
  12. We just upgraded to Version from 3.3.4. Most things are working good except for one thing -- the disk space on our server had exploded from 40GB for the old board to now 80GB. We just watched the disk capacity rise from 73GB to 80GB in the span of 12 hours, filling up our 80GB drive and crashing the board. We cleared a little space and restarted the board, but we're seeing a steady rise again. From 95% capacity to 97% in just three hours. We do not allow content uploading on the board except for profile pictures, most of which were imported from the old board. Obviously a message board shouldn't need that much disk space. Where is all this content coming from? Thanks!
  13. Yep, just saw that. 😛 I might take you up on that once we get more settled with the new software, thanks!
  14. That goes back to about 10 years ago.
  15. That was a good thought, and we're using a block for birthdays, but the app/plugin we had was specifically deigned for anniversaries, and it displayed each member who joined on a given day and how many years ago they joined. The above block doesn't show the anniversary years.
  16. The upgrade is actually going okay. A couple of questions. 1. I can't find the setting where you can set how many consecutive quotes you can have in one post, like if I quote someone who has quoted someone else, and both of their quoted posts show up in my reply. (Not multi-quote.) Right now the quote function only includes the last post. 2. On my old board we had an app that displayed members anniversaries. I don't see that in the block options, nor in the marketplace for purchase. Any options on that? When your community is over 17 years old that's a fun thing to look at, and longtime members always got congrats threads for the occasion.
  17. Yeah, I know, 3.3.4 is super outdated and no longer supported and I'm an idiot for not upgrading sooner. By all means spend a few minutes laughing at me. 🙂 My music-based community has been online for over 17 years and we're self hosted. We started out on IPB 1.3, and upgraded to 3.3.4. Certain things no longer work (View New Content and searches -- both time out) or never worked at all (IP address searches for members from the admin CP -- white screen). I'm in the process of archiving old threads and I've done a LOT of pruning and we still can't get those things to work. Another problem is we can't make the site https compliant because it created issues with the reply boxes and admin CP. I'm not here to try and fix those things on my current software, just giving a little background to what brought me here this many years later. I'm hoping an upgrade will fix those problems along with bringing us into the current decade. I'm still paying the license fee, even though my software is no longer supported. My questions are: How will my data and features translate over to the new version? I use only the forum and calendar. For instance, will things like quote boxes carry over correctly? (This was a problem when we jumped from 1.3 to 3.4.) How about avatars and member rankings? I know I'll lose my skins and that's okay. Will the problems mentioned above be remedied with the upgrade? I of course would have the server set up with the latest requirements. Any help and guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
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