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Posts posted by SeaTea

  1. OK... My Question to both..

    After you uploaded your boards to the servers including Wamp did you go through all the processes explained in Creating a Duplicate Local Test board from you Live Board.  prior to moving the RC's over?

    Afterwards did your test sites mirror your live sites? Look exactly the same.

    ​I started with (in first post) 'step one' and both original and mirror sites looked exactly the same, also after utf-8 update of mirror-site in 3.4.7. 

    I did not expect all the template rebuilds etc. were needed, as this was a default 3.4.7 install with only a few posts in one forum and only 2 users.  So I followed your guide in the second part of the post, and now the problems seem to have disappeared.  I have a 'normal' start-page now and will start testing and learning before converting my main site.  Thanks for the hints and your guide !

  2. hello, i'd tryed many times to upgrade from 3.4.7 to 4.0 rc2 but i am getting always the same issue, pages are semi blancl :

    i'd forgot some thing ?


    ​I seem to have the same problem ....  
    Updating a working (test) install with one test forum, 2 users, and a small database on localhost via wamp.  Working on 3.4.7.  After converting and installing 4.0rc2 I end up with the same,  Also when clicking on the links, I get a 404....  Only ACP links seems to work, but only text.

    Before testing with my 'normal' forum I like to test the upgrade process. As I can only have one test-install (which I use for my 'normal' board)  I am trying to make a localhost test setup with wamp.  Could this be the reason ?  Maybe I should try a locahost testinstall via linux on a vmware local installation ??  Or is there a bug in the upgrade from 3.4.7 to 4rc2 ? 

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