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Posts posted by Insane21m

  1. Alright so I'm likely F'd.. I'm currently locked out of the admin panel. Are there any options?
    My first admin account won't accept the answer to my security question - even though I'm 100% sure it's the right answer.
    I try to send an e-mail to send a password reset - takes me to a 404 page..

    My second admin account, the MFA code doesn't work, I try to send an e-mail to send a password reset - takes me to a 404 page..

    How screwed am I?

  2. Hi all, just updated an old defunct website to the latest version of IP.Board.

    All the pages return 404 errors, except for the "homepage"
    If I set the default app to "Pages" the Home page shows up fine. If I set the default to forums, the forums shows up fine.
    However, if I try to navigate to www.page.come/forums it returns a 404 error.

    The admin page shows up just fine.

    I'm sure there's a misconfiguration somewhere involving links, but not sure what I need to adjust.
    Any direction would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

  3. Not "Outside" access, but it's open internally yes. I migrated the Database to the other server just fine and testing connection worked without issue.

    Is there anything else that needs to be updated, or should editing the conf_global.php file be all that I need to do?


    I can install a clean instance of IP.Board in this manner and direct the location to my DB server successfully, so it appears that when I'm trying to update my DB location of an existing instance, it breaks things..

  4. Hi all,

    I've migrated my MySQL database to it's own dedicated database server and want to point my website to the new location.

    I've attempted to edit the conf_global.php to the new location, but when I do I get a generic 500 error on my website.

    I have confirmed I am able to hit the database server just fine, and the migration worked without issue.


    Once I revert the settings back, everything works as normal.. any ideas?

    Was hoping this would be relatively simple.




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