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Everything posted by Speacy

  1. Thanks for your help, Its solved, was not the IPB upgrade but the Debian upgrade, on server side my locale fr_FR.UTF-8 was not installed. Have a good day^^
  2. I tried, but its seems last french language pack is outdated ( ipb 4.5), i also tried to find the relevant field in english US native language pack to manually format but even with "_date" key i didnt find it
  3. Hello, Since last update (and OS change from debian 9 to debian 11 for php8 support) the "date" fields in pages module seems to be not affected by french date formatting dd/mm/YY applied on others IPB modules and stay to mm/dd/YY MISREP - 355th Virtual Fighter Wing i searched to "traduction" fields to find it but without success. Any idea?
  4. Yes, sorry its misunderstanding Not the ipb database itself ^^, just some fields on "page" module custom database (via adminCP, not phpmyadmin), its just content, ive not altered the core database
  5. Yes, since yesterday and if i want to lauch manually : It seems wanting to work on deleted items, probably my fault because i've deleted some db fields while linked task was working background. My operating system and db_server are a little outdated (debian 9) but worked well before yesterday
  6. Hi, ive similar problem, after database modification while background task (comments rebuild) was running for this database. Result is queue task freezed, unlock or restart is ineffective Do i need create ticket?
  7. Hi, I have licence key not valid error on my TESTINSTALL because my test key is configured to my test server IP address instead of adress (and ips suite resolve now to domain, not IP) , i would change test url in client area from IP to my domain but i cant, because its already activated, but adress is more flexible, i dont want to get locked like this to IPV4. Do you know how in can change test url without brake main url ?
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