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  1. Hi ! How to replace expiring date by "X minutes ago" in Advert feed and other listings ? Its not very interesting for members to know an ad will expire in 3 months and 2 days. Thanks,
  2. OK i understand my problem. It seems the "Popular now" block never worked on my forum. My previous block was "Topics feed" with "Sort by : Recently updated".
  3. Yes there are lot of new messages within that period. I dont understand why it doesn't display. I removed that block by mistake and now i can't add it.
  4. Hi ! I got the same problem but if i change these settings, it never works. For example : 2 posts within 1440 minutes. Nothing but there are lot of new messages.
  5. Hi, is it here ? Last answer from Invision HQ was published in October.
  6. Hello, i'm using Classifieds plugin (latest version). When a user post an advert, there are 5 fields for location. I just want to remove Address (private life) and State (useless in France) fields. Is there any way to do this without using "display:none" css ? Thank you.
  7. Hello, i'm using Classifieds plugin (latest version). When a user post an advert, there are 5 fields for location. I just want to remove Address (private life) and State (useless in France) fields. Is there any way to do this without using "display:none" css ? Thank you.
  8. Thank you ! Commerce is now installed. 😉
  9. Hi, i just purchased Commerce application to use this plugin : I thought after purchase I would have a file to download and upload to a folder or the Commerce app would show up on its own in my app list. But nothing. How can I add Commerce to my forum? Thank you.
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