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Cedric V

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  1. I just upgraded to Beta 10 a few days ago and my co admin said "there's another new release" and I'm like "WHAT? ALREADY?" Glad the ACP upgrade now works though. :)
  2. I love that. That would definitely be a welcome change/addition.
  3. Been trying to "skin" it a little further, see what I can do. This is what I've got so far: Added an old school image to the ips header from an ipb 1.3 skin I had: There's definitely potential in customization. :D I don't really have the knowledge to mess with placing, but from what I can see and do, I'm pretty happy so far.
  4. I'm currently on my computer, so no. I also don't get the "Your IP address does not match this session" message. It's just the standard login: edit: I enabled Trust IP addresses provided by proxies? This seems to have resolved the issue.
  5. I always seem to have this problem on a new install. And I can't seem to remember how I fixed it before. But it's very annoying trying to setup things in the ACP and it keeps logging me out. Sometimes I have to login 3-4 times before it actually goes through.
  6. A question, does this also allow custom themes to be designed as we are used to them? Or are we stuck to the default choice? I mean, if we’d change positioning of certain blocks, links, how would that go in place? Is there still room for a theme designer such as @Ehren to build several different themes like his current offering?
  7. Wonderful work, as always. 😀
  8. Fun fact: the new car smell is not the leather but actually chemicals you smell.
  9. Sweet! I might reconsider the forum I was initially planning — if anyone has any idea. Let me hear it. 😂
  10. Wrong gif there mate, wrong gif…
  11. Very nice. Cool to see such big update still being done to v4.
  12. Caution: 18+ website: https://after-hours.io/ Still need to perform the Beta 4 upgrade. And still have to officially launch the community, it hasn't been advertised anywhere. (but here) I plan on launching it officially within a week or two.
  13. Only 20 ?! You can do better.