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newbie LAC

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Everything posted by newbie LAC

  1. Yes. I pinned 1st post This post shows once Not only page 16. Every page. No. You'll see 1 pinned post at the top
  2. Hello, 1 pinned post. See 3d screenshot. First post on first page. Yes. When you created topic first post will be pinned automatically. You do not have to do it manually Yes.
  3. Hmmm... I created 3 ads. Plugin settings Result
  4. No. I really don't understand why yours is better than mine. locations -> pids vs. pids -> locations
  5. Hello, For topic view {{if \IPS\Request::i()->app == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->module == 'forums' and \IPS\Request::i()->controller == 'topic'}} {{$forumId = 0; try { $topic = \IPS\forums\Topic::loadAndCheckPerms( \IPS\Request::i()->id ); $forumId = $topic->forum_id; } catch( \Exception $e ) {};}} {{endif}} {{if !in_array($forumId, array(9))}} code {{endif}} Yes.
  6. There are no option sort by topic create. I also have
  7. Hello, The feed list shows the topics that the user can read
  8. Hello, The widget is displayed in the bottom part on mobile devices.
  9. You can edit plugin css file OR custom.css
  10. Hello, On default skin tabs looks like There are many themes (dark, light, etc.) and I can't do it for all In any case, you can change the style editing css.
  11. Hello, Secondary? Condition: hide block from users if they have selected groups as secondary. Right?
  12. There are many work What the goal? Display the same information differently
  13. I think mission impossible. I can't use ips stack in stack
  14. Hello, Not sure what you mean. What I'll need add? Examples please
  15. Hello, You can use custom titles for "Recent Topics | Posts". Or edit template Find {$widgetTitle['nb_tab_top_pos_title_' . $key]}</span> Change to {$widgetTitle['nb_tab_top_pos_title_' . $key]}</span>{{if $firstTab == $key}} &#124; {{endif}}
  16. Hello, Open template nbRecentTopicsPosts. (ACP - Customization - Themes - You skin - core - global - plugins) Find {{if $config['nb_tab_top_pos_rowpt'] and $config['nb_tab_top_pos_gotop'] == 'unread'}} Change to {{if member.member_id and $config['nb_tab_top_pos_rowpt'] and $config['nb_tab_top_pos_gotop'] == 'unread'}}
  17. Hello. Added already in version 1.0.3 Widget settings Tabs style Style 1 Style 2
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