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Everything posted by aotsukisho

  1. Hello everyone, I was able to fix some other errors during the upgrade process but this one seems to be completely stuck. Server has Apache 2.4.58, PHP 8.2.12, MySQL 8.0.35. ips4.php checks are all green aside from no GMP extension (which is optional). When logging back in at /admin/upgrade the following shows: When Continuing the upgrade it has this error here. Clicking Retry/Continue both have the same error come back up I tried dropping the table ibf_members_warn_actions, and this error shows. Similarly, clicking Retry/Continue both have the same error come back up. I try dropping the table ibf_members_warn_logs, and then this error shows Now if I drop the table ibf_members_warn_reasons then this other error shows I can click Retry/Continue and this error goes away, but it shows up regardless if ibf_core_item_markers is MyISAM or InnoDB. The errors start again from the top, regardless if I drop the tables preemptively or after the script reports it already existing. Any ideas? Thanks in advance for looking
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