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Legion of Honor

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Posts posted by Legion of Honor

  1. Try asking SkinBox for instructions to update jQuery, they'll be able to give you an answer.

    yup....... edited the skin to be 1.7.2 and bam...thanks stoo :D

  2. I had to revert as it wouldnt update my location. Here is what the file looks like: Where would I insert that script to make it function properly?

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    ipb.vars['bingApiKey'] = "{$apiKey}";
    ipb.vars['mmCacheFiles'] = "{$this->caches['mmFileCacheCount']['members']}";
    <if test="$this->memberData['member_id'] && in_array('1', $perms)">
    <ul class='topic_buttons'>
    <if test="$perms['delete'] && $exists">
    <li class='important'>
    <a id='memberMapDelete' href='#' title='{$this->lang->words['buttonDeleteLocation']}'>{$this->lang->words['buttonDeleteLocation']}</a>
    <if test="($perms['add'] && !$exists) || ($perms['edit'] && $exists)">
    <a id='memberMapUpdate' href='#' title='<if test="!$exists">{$this->lang->words['buttonAddLocation']}<else />{$this->lang->words['buttonUpdateLocation']}</if>'>
    <if test="!$exists">{$this->lang->words['buttonAddLocation']}<else />{$this->lang->words['buttonUpdateLocation']}</if>
    <h1 class="ipsType_pagetitle">{IPSLib::getAppTitle('membermap')}</h1>
    <if test="$this->memberData['member_id'] && in_array('1', $perms)">
    <form id='memberMapUpdateInput' class='clear' style='display: none;'>
    <h3 class='maintitle'><if test="!$exists">{$this->lang->words['buttonAddLocation']}<else />{$this->lang->words['buttonUpdateLocation']}</if></h3>
    <div class='ipsBox ipsPad'>
    <div class='ipsBox_container'>
    <input type='text' id='locationAddress' class='ipsPad' placeholder='{$this->lang->words['addressInputPlaceholder']}'>
    <span class='right'>
    <a href='#' id='currentLocation' data-tooltip='{$this->lang->words['tooltipCurrentLocation']}'>
    <img src='{$this->settings['img_url']}/membermap/currentLocation.png'>
    <input type='submit' value='{$this->lang->words['buttonSave']}'>
    <div id='memberMapCanvasWrapper' class='ipsBox ipsPad'>
    <div id='memberMapCanvas' class='ipsBox_container'></div>

  3. Thanks for your assistance...this is for the bing version so it was a matter of just changing the following.

    needed to add this: ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.7.min.js

  4. Yep, if you change the code reference to 1.7.2 (most likely in globalTemplate), so it would read...

    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.2/jquery.min.js"></script>

    Since I am using the Bing API key etc wouldnt that change the address?

  5. The most likely scenario is that you already have jQuery included on the page, but it is an old version.

    Updating jQuery to 1.7.2 or newer 1.x will provide the required functionality.

    How do I check this? I am not sure how to proceed on how to upgrade to JQuery 1.7.2

  6. For some reason it will not let me change my location or let my membership add their locations. ANy ideas? The buttons are there, but when they get clicked, nothing happens.

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