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Seth Jones

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Posts posted by Seth Jones

  1. 48 minutes ago, CoffeeCake said:

    You would create a table for your application and include the memberID as one of the columns.

    Do you need to join the core_members table for any reason?

    No, I just need to store the memberID in the table, correct?



  2. I wanted to clarify my question.

    My plugin uses the database table core_members, which is not allowed anymore. I needed to make it use a separate database table called profileSongs_song which holds the profile songs URL. I needed help with linking the database tables with the member ID. Any tips is appreciated.

        protected function _profileSongSet( \IPS\Helpers\CoverPhoto $song ) 
            $this->member->kuzi_song_path = isset( $song->file ) ? (string) $song->file : NULL;

    So this line is what I need to change.

    $this->member->kuzi_song_path = isset( $song->file ) ? (string) $song->file : NULL;

    I have a database schema created in my application called profilesongs_song, with the profile song URL which the column name is songPath.

  3. How exactly does Invision Power Board handle error logs and messages?


    Generally we use try catch.

    		catch ( \RuntimeException $e )
    			if ( method_exists( get_parent_class(), __FUNCTION__ ) )
    				return \call_user_func_array( 'parent::' . __FUNCTION__, \func_get_args() );
    				throw $e;


  4. In the applications, I have updated the language.xml file with the new strings, and it is not imported into the application directly in dev_mode. How do I update language words in the application as for plugins this works for what I expect just not for applications.


    Inside the data folder of my application, I have where the lanague.xml is modified after the application is installed. What do I need to do for it to save to the application properly?

  5. How do you authorize a client using the API?

    Like, I want to enter a form that verifies the account using the username or password, or a key generated from an oAuth like Facebook. Any tips or guides to get started with?

  6. We are trying to move our login system on our game server to use the oAuth API for logins. Does anyone know the best practice to use this? For example, we have a C# login server which checks tables for certain items, then we apply it to our player save file. Although, we use a custom C# .DLL to invoke a browser on the client side, then it receives a token and sends it to the login server.

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