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Posts posted by Sucesso

  1. I'm still only a couple of months into using Invision again after many years.

    Here's what I'm seeing a lot of--bots or spammers registering and not posting at all. The only action they take is replacing the banner image in their profile page with an image that contains the name of their company. I also see some that do the same with their profile picture.

    I've been nuking these accounts immediately.

    I'm wondering whether others get this, too.

    And I'm also wondering whether there's a known SEO boost from text in images now that spammers are trying to abuse.

  2. Like seen in Invision's own card view:



    I'm pretty sure I saw another forum or two with background images as well.

    I searched the forum and using Google, and found one thread that said it can be done with CSS. (Is custom CSS preserved during upgrades? Hope so!) And other threads that requested this feature.

    So is there a way to achieve this from the ACP settings?

    Thank you!

    Edit: The setting is here: ACP > Community > Forums > Forums > find forum in question > Edit > Forum Settings > scroll down > Grid Card Image

    See below for images and more guidance.

  3. 9 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Just to note, you must ensure your converters remain installed, and that the converter login method remains enabled. Could I confirm you have not removed any of those 2? If so, and you are still having issues, please let us know

    Thanks. Didn't know that. I haven't removed anything that I know of. I checked:

    • 'Login & Registration' > Converter, and I see 'Enabled'.
    • Conversion > Manage Conversions > and I still see my conversion.


    I was getting an htaccess error when the converter finished (in the Invision ACP), but I can't find that error now.

  4. Hi. I just installed Invision again after many years not using it (great piece of software!). I converted from vBulletin.

    Here's the thing--I can log in on one computer, but not on another computer. I use the same credentials on each, of course.

    On the computer in question, I get this error:

    Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again. Error code: 2S119/1


    I believe other users are getting that error on their computers, too.

    A Google search suggests I should submit a trouble ticket, but I thought I'd post here as well.

    Edit: I believe that I have fixed this problem by disabling a plugin (Varnish) that my host (Cloudways) uses for all sites.

  5. Thanks! That was my understanding.

    But… I did a test with a test account, and the password didn't work. And users are saying their passwords aren't working. (I also see almost no members online when I would normally have 30–100.)

    I'm going to guess that if they didn't transfer over during the conversion that there's no way to get them back (except for doing the conversion again). Is that right?

    Edit: I'm also getting another error; maybe this is why passwords aren't working. I'll troubleshoot the other error.

  6. I converted from vBulletin 4.x yesterday (went really well!), and I'm testing various functions (email, spam settings, etc.).

    Do users need to reset their passwords? Or are they imported?

    I ask because I thought I read somewhere that they were. However, when I try to log in with my test account, the password I have doesn't work. (Yes, I searched.)


    Edit: I believe I fixed this by disabling the Varnish plugin that my host (Cloudways) uses.

  7. I think the trend in forum design, maybe even in UX in general, is to declutter as much as possible.

    I for one don't miss that function on old forums. In fact, I always thought it was a little weird, since you can just scroll/page up or use a keyboard shortcut to get to the top or bottom.

    Remember when forums listed in the footer the number of queries executed?

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