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  1. what about GA4 (google analytica 4 ) ?
  2. We have something like this It shows same device login account related to that profile. We also have same functions on post approval panel. the problem is that users can connect to same phone internet connection and have same ip. the best way is the same device id and analyze posts that he write on forum.
  3. htaccess it or change admin dir name htaccess and htpasswd
  4. Fixed on hotfix. Ty for fast response.
  5. Thanks for info. We have many of that private forums and topics for only moderators and admins. IPS not cool at all.......
  6. @Jim M 🙂 "known issue" Thanks for info that is issue. We try everything and still no luck. Disabling all plugins and applications (custom) not fixed problem.
  7. Same problem. I try on other browsers and different account on forum. Same problem. Is the problem after upgrade or i can search and debug that ? We dont change any of settings for about 3 month.
  8. Hi After upgrade to 4.7.16 my users reports many of problems and they report that forum view called "fluid" that list topics by forum category is not working. When u check on right side any of category / forum there is no changes on left site. (not filtering) I also checked clean theme and still no luck. Is it my problem or u can help my with that ?
  9. Is there any plans to create that future ? Or i need to search in system and write some code to do that ?
  10. Hi I rly need to exclude a specified forum / subforum from counting points to leaderboard. In my case when forum is 95% dedicated to one field and only 5% of topics are different i just create other forum tab and move all of them there. But i need to exclude that forum and topics and posts and reaction points from counting to leaderboard. Simply as currently excluding groups and setting categories to show or not to show or as filters. ACP->Member Settings -> Reputation & Reactions -> Leaderboard
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