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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by crisl

  1. I've modified max execution time to a really big value, i was able to access the parameter and put it back, i was able to update the forum 🙂 Thx
  2. Thanks Jim for your answer, i'm hosting this forum on a dedicated server (and IPB customer) since 2004 without any issues (even if updates are not easy) That's the first time i'm running since 1 day error 504... I've modified the php memory limit to 1024MB, max_execution_time to 90sec but that's way too much compare to what it was... (512, 30sec) Seems like the systems goes in a strange mode., CPU, RAM are totally free
  3. Thanks for the answer... I've got access back to the admin CP, started the upgrade but i'm running to 504 Gateway Time-out (the system is blocking the access to admin CP) Any CLI command to execute to perform the upgrade?
  4. Hello, I stupidly switch the task execution from cron to execute with traffic, i got the big red warning that i discarded. Now everytime i'm trying to load the forum, the system is going to execute the backlog task (huge i guess) and i got a 504 error with a timeout. Is there a way to manually execute the backlog task via SSH or restore the parameter to cron in the database? Thanks Christophe
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